Another Authors Note

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Hello! So in this authors note I am just going to give a small update on where I am with everything and what to expect from me in the near future.

First off though, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read this and commented wonderful things. I read every comment and it makes my day better every single time.

Now, I am going to start college in the fall and my schedule may not be as open as before. I don't really write a lot to begin with, seeing as I only have 2 published works and many others in the filing cabinet. I try really hard to make these stories of a good quality and make sure I know where the storyline is going along with trying to not have many plot holes. Because of that, it does take me longer to put together storylines and then the actual writing itself.

As of right now, I am taking a break after 3 years of trying to write this story. I am also in the works of planning  and writing out my own actual novel. That is all I will say about it and no, it will not be on Wattpad.

The sequel for this book is still being processed and I am trying to come up with a good storyline. That way it doesn't seem random, and it will likely be a bit more angst and gore with the crossover I have planned.

Sadly, even on my break I am still working on other fanfic ideas. With Phase 4 of marvel taking off, I thought about writing a Loki fanfic. I had an idea and was fleshing it out. I've also been watching Loki every time a new episode comes out so I can figure out how I want to tie it in with the MCU. However, after the most recent episode and not knowing where Marvel is going with everything, I'm re-thinking my decision. Please let me know if you would like to see a Loki fanfic despite what happened in episode 4.

I've had the idea to do MHA, PJO/HOO, MLB/MCU, and a few other fanfics. The matter is just about whether or not I would be able to do it. The Loki fanfic is tedious enough, so trying to hit other fandoms and my own personal project is a bit overwhelming.

Not only that, with college I will have less and less time to do anything, along with getting a job. My plan is to possibly open an Etsy shop sometime as well, and writing on here may become my last priority. That is why I put my Instagram on the last chapter for everyone, so there can be updates.

I also have a tiktok, but I don't post on there so I won't bother giving it to you. Anyways, follow me on Instagram if you can :)

Alright, I'm pretty sure that's it for now. Thank you again for reading and I will see you all in my next fanfic 👋

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