First year | Hogwarts

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We sat at breakfast, I had to wake up early to get ready for this. Mum told us to get ready early so we didn't end up late, it was agony.

"(Y/n), do you have everything ready?" Mum asked.

I nodded as I grabbed my owl, Astraeus' cage.

"My trunks are packed, my supplies are ready, and I have my wand."

Mum smiled, "Alright kids, grab something and let's get going."

Dad grabbed our stuff and loaded it in the car, our house elves said their goodbyes. It was quite sad, they said they'd write to us as well. I was happy, this was all I've ever looked forward to...well, second to becoming an Auror with father. Harley and Leo made fun of me for it, but they did the same.

I felt like myself, not a pureblood witch of an ancient and powerful bloodline. I was wearing a striped shirt, black spaghetti strap dress over it, and white sneakers.

I had a black headband in my hair, it was simple yet easy to change into my robes. The day we got my Hogwarts supplies was when I knew this was all real.

"Let's go all of you." Mum smiled.

We got to Kings Cross, unloading was easy. We got there quickly and we looked around at the muggles, completely normal, it's like they didn't even see the owls.

We got to the pillar, "I'll take Leo." Mum said.

She took hold of their trolley as well and they ran through the pillar, disappearing to the other side.  Harley went, this was my favorite part. I've done it before, but not to go on the train. When Harley went to Hogwarts, I cried the entire time because I missed him and I wanted to go with him.

"Let's go now," father took hold of mine too. We ran through and got to the platform on the other side.

We spotted them and went over as my trolley was taken and my stuff loaded.

"Write to us what house you get." Mum hugged me.

She tried to smooth down my hair, "Please don't make me have to send a howler yet, and watch after your brothers." She hugged me tightly, stroking my head. I nodded and she kissed the top of my head, she moved on to Leo.

Father hugged me next, "It doesn't hurt to cause a little mischief." he winked.

"As long as mum doesn't find out." I winked back.

He grinned widely and hugged me tighter, "My daughter has learned so much from me!"

"Okay Adrien, she'll be late if you keep restraining her." Mum chided.

We all hugged, and Father let me go and I went with them onto the train.

"I'm going to my friends, will you be okay?" Leo asked.

I nodded, "Will you be okay?"

Leo gave me a small smile in response. I made my way to find an empty compartment. I found one where I could see my parents and I waved, they waved back and Mum was smiling. Father on the other hand, he kept messing with his wedding ring and he was looking straight up. 

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