Third year | Invisible Snowball fight

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Blaise's POV ~

"I can't believe that actually happened." Millicent looked at me with a look of shock.

"What? That Potter nearly got killed again?" I rolled my eyes, it wasn't new.

"No! That the dementors came that close to the school! You saw last time when (Y/n) was around them, so what if she had been there?" Millicent's face turned worried.

We were all worried for (Y/n), even more so after a few weeks ago when she told us what was going on. Leo was training us extra hard on weekdays after classes, farther out where no one could walk in on what was happening.

"Enough worry, we're going to Hogsmeade again today. It's cold and snowy outside so let's just make the most of it until the season is better." I assured Millicent.

She nodded, understanding what I was saying.

"Guys? Is everything okay?" We looked at (Y/n), she wasn't doing well after her small fight with Draco.

They were avoiding each other, and it didn't help that he was spending time with the gremlin, Astoria.

"Everything is fine, Millicent just isn't sure if she's bringing enough money." I lied.

She came to us with a smile, "I'm sure it'll be fine! Let's go, I want to see Hogsmeade with snow!"

She dragged us out of the common room. We met with everybody else and got on the train.

Parkinson joined us in the compartment, "Malfoy got swept up by the other Slytherin boys. Too much toxic masculinity for me, mind if I join you?"

(Y/n) laughed, "We don't mind at all, Parkinson."

She talked with us during the train ride, she's become a lot more pleasant around (Y/n).

The compartment door opened and slammed, "I've never wanted to get away from my own friends before."

Adrian turned to us with relief on his face.

"Are you joining us too?" Millicent smiled.

Adrian looked at her sheepishly, "Mind if I do? I can't stand what they're talking about."

I nodded, scooting so he could be by Millicent. I'm doing her a favor, I know she likes him.

"What are they talking about that has you so angered, Pucey?" (Y/n) asked.

Adrian looked skeptical, "Everything. Mainly making fun of people. Including you."

(Y/n) got a serious look on her face, sitting up straight she looked Adrian in the eyes.

"What would they have to say about me?" She asked.

Adrian looked at us, unsure. We were unsure as well, if (Y/n) was asking she wants to know for a reason. After her fight with Draco, she had been more and more emotionless. Now she was asking and it was worrisome.

"Well, mainly about how ridiculous it was that I let you get on the quidditch team. How you're attention seeking and only friends with Malfoy for his influence. Also they talk bad about your family."

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