Battle of Hogwarts

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3rd person POV ~

Harry Potter stood in the Great Hall, the Order of the Phoenix behind him. The students cheered at his return and for taking out Snape and the Carrow siblings.

Pansy Parkinson had said they should take Harry to Voldemort to avoid a fight. McGonogall made Filch take the Slytherin house to the dungeons and locked them in there.

Draco was at the back with Blaise. They weren't friends, but they knew each other. Blaise was going to help him and Goyle during the battle.

Suddenly, a bunch of people arrived from the shadows. Everyone stopped and gasped at the sight of a bunch of teens with weapons and armor. Draco stared at one girl in particular.

She had hair as dark as night, and eyes a startling sea green. She had armor over her orange shirt, the same orange shirt they all had on.

The girl stepped forward, taking off her helmet to reveal a pretty face and long curly hair. In her hand was a bronze dagger, giving off this glowing aura. She had a silver bow on her back with matching arrows as well. Her arsenal was full of weapons.

"Mind if we join the fight?" She smirked.

Everyone murmured. Draco watched as the girl gave her helmet to a boy by her, he had the same facial features as her. Draco assumed it was her brother.

"Dumbledore figured you'd need us. He sent word to us about the war, saying there were supporters that were different types of monsters. Luckily...monsters are our specialty."

The Order and Potter looked around nervously, unsure whether or not to trust the visitors. Not that they could do much, they were all teenagers.

"I'm sorry...what's your name?" Harry Potter asked.

The boy holding her helmet whispered in her ear. They talked in a hushed tone and she turned back, smiling at Harry Potter.

"(Y/n), that's all I'm giving. Now, I believe you were leading them to the dungeons?" She pointed to the Slytherins standing.

Draco met her eyes, and she quickly looked away from him. He felt like she was uncomfortable seeing him, or maybe it was because he felt like he knew her too. He thought something about her was familiar, or that everything was.

Filch led the Slytherins away. The girl, (Y/n), asked about the game plan. Getting all the information, she shouted orders in Greek, the kids around her going to the positions she ordered.

The girl noticed someone looking at her, looking to see it was one Hermione Granger. Hermione felt like she knew the girl as well.

"Don't worry, we know how to use these." The girl assured her.

Hermione nodded, going on with Ron and Harry. The school was scrambling to get everything ready for the fight of their life.

Your POV ~

I looked around at my friends who were getting ready to fight. The barriers were up, but a loud explosion knocked us all awake.

People ran for safety as Death Eaters and monsters ran in. I grabbed my wand as well, pointing and shouting spells. Harley and Leo joined me in the fight.

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