Seventh Year | Quest Takes a Turn

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Your POV ~

"Come down! We have something for all of you!" Amara shouted, waking us up.

I got up from the couch, which is where I'd been sleeping this past month. It's March now and the battle is coming soon. All we ever did was research and eat and sleep.

"What is it, Amara? We've still gotten nowhere with our research." I groaned.

Leo and Harley came out of their room to join us. Still in their pajamas and markings showing they slept well.

"We were looking at the wrong things all this time! We shouldn't have looked in books, we should've looked in the family archive!" Amara smiled.

She grabbed a big book off the shelves of one of her bookcases. Lucas came in with tea prepared for all of us, and it was just the best cup of tea I've ever had.

"Apparently one of your ancestors had gone to the new world, a place somewhere in Virginia. They obtained papers, pages of spells, from a very powerful witch, and they learned to master their magic. We were looking too hard, the thing needed is a powerful spell." Lucas explained, taking a long sip from his cup of coffee.

"Here she is, Ino Rossi. She went to the new world when she was eighteen as a means to escape the events going on during the 10th century. She talks endlessly about the witch she met and her children, who seemed as trustworthy as a cornish pixie. She mentions hiding the spell pages in ruins, so only her ancestors can find them when needed." Amara explained.

"Why did she need to go to current day Virginia?" Leo asked.

Lucas set down his cup. He began to think, no doubt to try and translate his explanation into English for us to understand.

"She was a different type of witch, one of the ancient ones. Apparently, the side of magic we don't know much about. Not only that, but she was one of the last to learn Magic from Nordic witches. Though, in our world there are plenty. They can store magic in their body, like us, but they don't need wands or schools and tend to focus on nature type of magic." Lucas explained.

Harley and Leo processed what they were saying. They turned to me and I knew they'd want me to learn how to use it. I was the all powerful witch, so why not?

"I'll get to work on it, but anything in there that can help the process?" I asked.

"Sorry, all I know is that she hid the papers."

With that, Amara served us breakfast. We ate and Leo and Harley took to trying to figure out how Ino used it. Amara went out to buy groceries, which was something she couldn't do often because of monsters.

Lucas went to work, filling out papers for his job at Gringotts. I stayed in the living room by myself, trying to see if the grimoire also had any idea about this.

I grabbed some candles from the closet. Hopefully Amara and Lucas wouldn't be in need of those anytime soon. I grabbed something Draco had given ring.

I set the candles in a circle and put the ring in the center. I used the herbs I needed and focused on him specifically.

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