Seventh Year | Radios & Gods

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Your POV ~

I woke up, looking around to remember I was in a tent with my brothers. I could hear Harley outside by the tent, letting out small fireworks from the end of his wand.

It was still night time, but I couldn't sleep. I kept finding myself to wonder what Draco was doing or if he was okay. It didn't help that I should've been on the train to Hogwarts by now.

I could hear the static coming from the Radio that Leo was holding. He was fast asleep, but he had a tight grip on that thing.

I reached over and fixed it, listening as they announced the list of dead witches and wizards. I kept hoping no one I knew would pop up into the conversation.

"You shouldn't be listening." Leo mumbled.

He opened his eyes and looked at me, his breathing a bit weird from sleeping.

"Why not? They're my friends too."

Leo sat up, putting the radio to the side. He rubbed his eyes and looked outside, groaning to see it was still dark out.

"If you keep worrying yourself, you'll end up sick. Be careful."

I chuckled bitterly, "Thanks, yeah...I'll just relax while there's a magical war going on as we try to figure out how to find a magical family heirloom."

Leo glared at me. I laid back down on my sleeping bag, playing with the ring on my finger. Looking at it, I switched it to my right hand.

Keeping it on my left hand when my boyfriend doesn't remember I exist is painful enough. Not only that, but he thinks he's been dating Astoria since fifth year.

"I should switch with Harley." Leo got up and walked out.

I heard him talking to Harley, and Harley came into the tent and laid on his spot. Leo messed with the rocks outside, throwing them far enough that they didn't go outside our protection spells.

Harley went to sleep, and I decided to close my eyes until I finally fell asleep.



Time skip & Harley's POV ~

I woke up, seeing it was light out now. I had gotten some good sleep, but now we had to move. I went outside to see Leo slumped against the tent. It was hard to get any sleep outside of home and fight for our lives.

"Leo, we need to pack up and move now." I said.

Leo jolted awake, looking at me angrily, "Where to now, cousin? Another forest somewhere in the heat?"

I shook my head, opening a map I had managed to get last night. I showed him where we were and showed where our next destination was.

"Athens? Isn't that a bit...public? What does Ios even look like? I didn't know that was a place until now!"

"Exactly, Athens is public. We pretend to be muggles on holiday and stay in a hotel. No Death Eaters will look for us in plain sight, we don't even exist to them. The ministry here won't even think a thing about us either." I explained.

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