First year | Saint Potter

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I wish I could say after the incident, life went to its unnatural normal for me, but it didn't. The entire time afterwards, Millicent and Blaise stuck beside me when we went near the woods or lake.

Malfoy had said he'd visit me again, but it seemed like he broke that and went out of his way to avoid me. I thought it would stop after a few days, but it went on for months.

It was weird, and while I should be happy about it...I wasn't. It wasn't like him, he even moved seats to be by Parkinson.

After what happened with my ring, I called a family meeting with Harley and Leo. We didn't know what was going on, but I knew they'd believe me. Now, they're both testing in a secret location if their jewelry from Aunt Kass can do it.

"Are you okay? You haven't eaten much." Millicent nudged me.

I flinched, putting some porridge in my spoon I nodded, "Fine, just got a lot on my mind."

I played with my porridge a little before noticing three people coming towards me. It wasn't until I could feel the burning eyes of my housemates and others on me, I looked behind me. The trio stood behind me, well, Potter was behind me while Granger and Weasley stood back more.

"We need to talk."

I looked around me, my housemates were scowling at the sight of Potter.

I stood up, "Fine, but...not here."

I grabbed his sleeve and dragged him out as far as I could into the corridor. His friends followed and I whipped around, arms crossed.

"Okay, out with it. What's the reason you three interrupted my breakfast and caused my housemates to hate me more?"

They all looked at each other nervously, wondering if they should talk.

"Well—you see, we wanted to ask about what attacked you. Mainly if it...had three heads?" Granger asked sheepishly.

I raised an eyebrow, "That's it?"

They nodded.

"Riddle, if this wasn't important we wouldn't be asking you." Potter frowned.

I was curious, so I gave in.

"It was a Manticore, but they think it wasn't one of ours," I said. "Though, I must ask now where you saw something with three heads and why it's important."

They looked between each other again, it was annoying now, they were acting like they were in a movie drama.

"It's something in Hogwarts, a dog with three heads and it could have something to do with You Know Who." Potter whispered.

I felt the color drain for my face and my body turned freezing cold.

"You—you're mental, he was destroyed years ago." I backed away.

"I know it's scary, but that's why we stop him." Granger assured.

I took a deep breath, "Fine, okay, I've heard about a three headed dog somewhere. I can look again and see if there's any information to help you three idiots."

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