Second year | Diagon Alley fight

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Your POV ~

It was time to go to Diagon Alley. I have been owling Millicent and Blaise since I came home from camp. I missed Millicent and Blaise greatly, so we decided to go to Diagon Alley together.

I had owled Draco when I came back, he had sent me a letter back. He no longer wanted truce and called my family really bad names in the wizarding world.

He went on saying how he was mistaken and wanted nothing to do with me. He realized his status was not important, and I'm fine with his decision. He wants to ruin his life...I don't fucking care anymore. I tried to be nice, but now he's done this. I'm not playing nice anymore, I've changed over the summer and I will not take anyone's shit.

I shook the thought away and got ready. I put my curly hair in a ponytail. I put on a green button up shirt, black shorts, black belt, and sneakers. When I went downstairs, Mum frowned at the sight of my knees. I had scraped them pretty badly on the rock climbing wall.

"Do you want me to change your bandages before you leave?" She asked.

"Mum, I'm fine, they're healing up nicely."
I sighed.

She didn't push, she knew how stubborn I was, "Okay, go, I have business at the ministry."

With that, we used floo powder to get to Diagon Alley.

"Harley will go with you to Gringotts, get parchment and quills, and we'll meet you at Flourish and Blotts." Dad grinned.

"Where are you going off to?" I questioned.

"We're going to get Potions stuff and look for quidditch things. It's about time you got better tools to keep your broom nice." Leo winked.

I rolled my eyes and Harley made me hold onto his hand as we walked through the crowded streets.

"Why do I have to hold your hand?" I whined.

"Because I don't want this to end up like my third year!!" I raised an eyebrow.

Harley had lost me when we were in Diagon Alley once, my stupid baby face was busy drooling over some ice cream when he found me again. He shivered at the memory and we went to Gringotts. Inside I saw Potter with the Weasley's and Grangers.

"Harry!" I called out, running to them with a smile. "Not getting into trouble again are you?"

"Not on my watch." Hermione smiled.

"Harry's just come with us to get things for term, same for you?" Ron asked.

"I'm here with Harley."

Harley smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Why so awkward, Harley?" Fred and George teased.

Harley rolled his eyes and jogged over, "Shut it, just make sure to give Hogwarts hell when I'm gone."

They high-fived and Hermione leaned in, "He's your cousin?"

I nodded, "I know, I'm related to an idiot."

"Talking about me?" He smirked.

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