End of Second Year

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After everything that happened, the potions were brewed on time and the petrified kids were back. Harry and Ron had decided not to tell me she was petrified or ask about Tom Riddle's diary. They were worried I'd hold out on them and go for the monster myself.

Now we're ready to go back home, and this summer I'm going back to camp. Harley is going for the entire year, he's supposed to get a job after his last year, but he wants to stay at camp with everyone else.

"I can't believe Harley won't be with us anymore." Millicent said.

"Don't remind me." I frowned.

Leo and I were pretty sad about Harley finishing his seven years here, but now he's better than where he started. I took my luggage downstairs with Astraeus and his cage.

"Remember to owl me from camp." Millicent smiled.

"I will, Astraeus remembers the route well, but he'll be really tired." Astraeus cooed at me petting him.

"Can't believe we're thirteen now!" Blaise smiled.

"Speak for yourself, (Y/n) and I still have a little longer." Draco smiled at me.

"Right, older by ten days." I groaned.

We walked to the Great hall and ate breakfast. Exams had been canceled once again and Gryffindor won the house cup.

"Right, so can we ever come and visit you at camp? Or are non-demigods a big no there?" Blaise asked.

I really didn't know the answer to his question, because there had never been outsiders in Camp. Witches and Wizards can see through the mist 80% of the time, but not fully.

"I'll have to ask Chiron and Mr. D, but I'll see what I can do." I winked.

"Can I come too?" Draco asked.

I was surprised, I never thought he'd want to come, but I guess even he was curious about camp.

"If I can get you guys in, you do realize you'll be doing training with a bunch of trained demigods, right?" I asked, they need to know what they're getting into.

They nodded, guess there was no stopping them anyways. After finishing breakfast, we went to the train with everyone else. I went into a compartment with Millicent, Draco, Blaise, Leo, Harley, Anna, and Aaron.

Harley and Aaron were clearly upset about having to leave each other, so they were pretty much wrapped around each other the entire time.

"If they can visit, does that mean we can too?" Anna asked.

Leo looked visibly uncomfortable, "I guess, but I don't really want you guys there. It's dangerous too, not just fun and fantasy, there's a lava wall and monsters on the way to camp."

"He's right, we'd be exposing you to a whole different world." Harley frowned.

"How will I see you then? You're going year round now." Aaron pouted.

Harley also got visibly uncomfortable, "We need to figure out a safe way to get you in first, then we'll let you come."

I knew we couldn't shadow travel the entire time, but maybe a certain sun god could help us. Well, his kids at least.

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