Second year | Bloody Walls and Nightmares

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Your POV~

It's been almost a month since I got my nightmares back. I looked awful because of them, and I was terrified to sleep again.

"Eat something, lack of sleep isn't good for you and neither is missing a meal." Blaise said, gently scooping some porridge into a bowl for me.

Blaise and Millicent have been extra helpful, taking care of me since I'm lacking a lot of hours of sleep.

"Thanks Blaise." I took small bites of the porridge.

My dreams haven't shown me much, only sounds so far, but it's mostly screaming.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Draco said quietly.

Since I collapsed he's been careful around me, he looks at me like I'm glass, like I'll break at some point.

"Hello." I smiled slightly.



Time skip to study hall ~

I was doing good in my classes, despite sleeping during study hall with Snape. If I slept for an hour I was fine, but only if it was a light sleep and not heavy sleeping.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?"

I looked up to see Adrian Pucey. He was the Slytherin team's chaser, also the same year as Leo, he was one of the nicer ones on the team. I never really talked to him much.

"Go ahead, Pucey." I rubbed my eyes.

He sat down, pausing to look at me, "Yikes Riddle, you're not looking so good."

I frowned at him, "Really? I didn't know."

He held up his hands in surrender, opening his books so he could study. I decided I'd just study too, so I did some homework for Transfiguration.

"You sure do make everyone worried. You haven't even asked about quidditch in a while, I thought you were determined?" he flicked his eyebrow up, giving me a small curt smile.

"I think I'm going to put it behind me. No one wants me on the team, so why bother?" I frowned, still looking at my Transfiguration homework. "Harley had gotten a count up, and only a few people had said they wanted me to join. So I won't, I don't think I'd be welcomed anyways."

Pucey looked at me with a frown, "I thought you were a Riddle? From knowing Harley and your brother, you're all increasingly stubborn, it's a bit annoying at times."

"I'm a Riddle, and Harley's last name is Angelos so you're wrong. The Riddle family hasn't been known to give up easily...neither has the Roseore family."

Surprisingly, Pucey was right, I shouldn't give up. I've never given up on anything yet, well...except for the hopes of having a normal year at Hogwarts. I packed up my stuff in a hurry, handing in what I needed to Professor Snape.

He signaled for me to leave and I turned around on my way out, "Thanks, you're not so bad Pucey."

He rolled his eyes, "That's not a secret, I'm one of the ones who voted you in."

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