A Year later | Babies & Names

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Year later & Your POV~

Draco's cold fingers grazed against my back. He stood behind me, watching as he zipped up my dress. After Draco came to see me that night by the lake, we started dating again. Six months later, in May, he proposed and we got married.

It's been a year and we talked about the possibilities of a child. He was fine with the Malfoy line ending with him, but I was not. The universe loves to find ways to end perfectly good relationships, so I told him I wanted a child. We tried to get pregnant for a year now, trying any chance we had to conceive.

We had been nervous during our honeymoon that I'd get pregnant, seeing as we did it every night, but still nothing. Today we were meeting my Aunt at St. Mungos to get an update on why I wasn't getting pregnant.

"Hey," Draco whispered. "It's going to be okay."

He kissed the ring on my hand, the one he originally bought for me, he felt it was too childish since he bought it when we were sixteen. He wanted to buy me one, in his words not mine, showing I was his Princess and his Princess only.

He had replaced the sapphire with a green/blue 5 Ct sapphire, oval cut, on a silver band, small tear shaped diamonds on each side, and smaller diamonds all on the band. Now it was April of 2004 and still no baby.

I smiled, walking out of the room to see Narcissa reading the Quibbler. She was staying in the Manor with us to help out, telling me things to do to conceive. It was embarrassing and helpful at the same time.

We got to St. Mungos and my Aunt called us into her room. She got me set up and looked at her clipboard, filling out stuff.

"How long have you been trying?"

"One year."

"Do you check if you're ovulating?"


"How often do you have sex?"

I looked at Draco, hesitant to answer. He cleared his throat, looking away.

"Three times a week, skipping periods."
he said.

I felt my face heat up as Aunt Kass snickered to herself. She flipped the page and put down the clipboard. She examined me and checked my records for the last few times I came in.

"Have you taken any direct hits to the stomach? Been thrown around or injured?"

I gulped, thinking about my entire time at Hogwarts and between the war. I would get hurt badly if monsters attacked and on my quest...the cyclops had knocked me into a chair. My silence was her answer, and Aunt Kass stood up.

"I'm not saying you can't have kids, I'm just saying that...it'll be harder because of it. Just keep trying and consider the chances of a surrogate or adoption."

Our appointment was over and Draco took me to the three broomsticks after. We ate while we were there and then headed to see Harley. It was my niece's birthday, Phoebe was now 2 years old. She was growing up and enjoyed seeing my ring when I'd visit her.

Since becoming my husband, Draco has been getting along with Harley and Leo's spouses. Despite Anna being Muggleborn, Draco was becoming more Muggle tolerant.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now