Second year | Rogue bludger

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Your POV ~

The chamber being opened was the worst of things to come, but last week before duel club...I thought that was bad.



Last week ~

There was a quidditch game today, Malfoy was excited for his first game as seeker. I couldn't help but feel a little bitter, I was going to try out this year, but Flint was set on having no girls. Harley took over as Captain again, but the others didn't agree with me being chaser.

"Cheer up, your boyfriend is playing seeker." Millicent smirked.

I rolled my eyes and tried hard not to blush, she's been teasing me for weeks.

"He's not my boyfriend, what's up with you saying that?" I chuckled.

In all honesty, it was just kind of embarrassing hearing him be referred to that. She was just about to open her mouth to speak when I saw Malfoy walk in, he had on his robes for the game.
Blaise was beside him cracking jokes with him.

He has a reputation for not being a smiley person, but he is when he's with his friends. They crack jokes and all sorts of things when together and he smiles more.

"Shut up!" Malfoy chuckled, pushing Blaise slightly.

They sat down and I felt a fluttering feeling in my chest. Millicent put her chin on her palm and smiled slyly to Blaise.

"So, playing your first game...good luck." Millicent smiled.

I had a bad feeling about what was about to happen.

"Good thing he'll have a cheerleader there for him. Right, (Y/n)?" Blaise smirked with an eyebrow raised.

I paused my eating and looked around awkwardly, "Um..."

Malfoy smiled, "You're gonna be my number one fan, right?"

I felt like I was about to combust, "S—Sure."

Malfoy's smile dropped to a frown, "I don't like this. Don't be my fan, be my teammate, try and convince them again."

I put down my fork, pushing some hair behind my ear, "Harley tried, he said you guys wouldn't let me join."

I got up from the table and walked back to the common room. It was like salt in the wounds. I changed into something for the match, mainly with our house colors. I met up with Millicent at the quidditch field and we cheered for Malfoy—well, she did. I cheered for Harley, who swooped around the field and stopped in front of me.

"Cheer for me, cousin?" He smiled.

I rolled my eyes, "Obviously, I've been your number one fan since you started riding a broom."

He laughed and went to his position on the quidditch field. I noticed Malfoy glancing back at me, he wanted my attention to be on him.

After what happened, no way was I going to give him the satisfaction. The game went on, the usual long game and seeing who would win.

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