Summer | Training & Surprises

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Tommy's POV~

I had slept through the night until sun rise but, (Y/n) was still sound asleep. (Y/n) was nearing her last few weeks here before school was starting for her soon, her birthday had passed while she was at school. She was thirteen, and despite that she looked different, puberty does things to a kid.

Getting up I went to wake her up, "(Y/n), wake up. Breakfast will be soon and you still need to help me clean for cabin inspection."

I shook her until she woke up.

"I'm up, I'm up. I'll change real quick and help." she sighed.

Getting up she walked over to her trunks and took out her camp clothes.

"Mind If I change here? I don't feel like walking all the way to the bathrooms."

I shrugged and went to my bunk, straightening the sheets and picking up stuff around the cabin. When I checked on her she was finished, her hair was in her classic two long French braids.

She didn't have to wear the atrocity that bright orange camp shirt was, but she did. She balanced it out with black ripped jeans, my old aviator jacket, and black converse. She always wore that jacket. Now I know what I look like when I wear the same jackets all the time.

"Who's inspecting cabins this time?" She asked.

Lucky for us, it wasn't the Aphrodite cabin.

"It's the Athena cabin and Dionysus cabin."

I felt the corners of my mouth twitch slightly.

(Y/n) wiggled her eyebrows at me while smirking, "Ooh, happy to have Steve come in the cabin soon?"

I rolled my eyes at her comment, "Like he hasn't been here plenty of times."

She crossed her arms and chuckled at what I mumbled.

"Right, I forgot you ditch me to go see him." she stuck her tongue out at me.

Despite her being from the UK, she acted very American.

"Your accent is going away, I think the Americans have been a bad influence on you." I joked.

She laughed with me, staying here more and more has made my once heavy accent leave.

We finished cleaning, Steve and Jessica approved of our cleaning of the cabin. It wasn't as bad as the Hermes cabin, they still have way too many campers in that cabin.

Cabin seven is just me and Kass most of the time, so it was nice to have (Y/n), Harley, and Leo. Most of the time we're with them is during capture the flag and campfires. We went to the dining pavilion for breakfast, offering half our plate and eating together at the Apollo table.

Your POV ~

We finished breakfast, but before Tommy and I could go to training, Aubrey and Steve ran to me at the Apollo table.

"What's up?" I asked, looking up at them from my seat.

"We have a little surprise for you." Steve smiled proudly.

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