Summer | Old Friends

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2nd person POV ~

"Well, if it isn't Arabella."

You looked around the place. 12 Grimmauld Place, the old home of the Black family. Well, Sirius' part of the family. Sirius stood in the doorway of the kitchen, smiling at your mother. She hadn't seen him in years, and Remus stood next to Sirius with a smile on his face.

"Well, I haven't seen you two in awhile, still fighting like an old married couple?" Your mother threw a playful smile.

"Still keeping Vargas wrapped around your finger?" Sirius smirked.

You looked at your mother and father, who looked more relaxed and youthful than they have in years. Your fathers hair was still the color of salt and pepper, while your mother had more lines to show her aging.

"Nice place Sirius, but surely this isn't where you've been hiding out all this time." You grinned.

Sirius gave you a smile, a knowing gleam in his eyes.

"I can't give away all my secrets, kid. Though you're observant, that's good."

Molly Weasley came out from the kitchen, running to you and she started hugging you and observing your health.

"You look a bit willowy, let's get you something to eat, dear."

She took you away to the kitchen, in there you saw Hermione, Ginny, and Fred and George.
You smiled at the group, a little embarrassed that Mrs. Weasley was now making you a giant plate of snacks.

"Still dating Malfoy, Riddle?" Fred smiled.

You had cringed at the use of that last name, because as of right now, your family was reverting to the last name Roseore.

"Yes Fred, but he doesn't know I'm here. He thinks I've returned to New York for a bit."

George put an arm around you at the same time as Fred. They had a mischievous grin on their faces. You tried to keep from going crimson, because even you had to admit they were both fairly attractive. You've known them for a while too, seeing as they're friends with Harley.

"What would Harley say if we let you date a Malfoy?"

"Yeah, you should just marry a Weasley and come work with us in our joke shop."

You raised an eyebrow at the two. They were teasing you now.

"Wasn't aware you two got the money for your joke shop. Tell me, is it like your girlfriends from Canada? Nonexistent?" 

"You wound us." They clutched their chests dramatically.

You left them there and went to Hermione, who immediately dragged you and your plate up to her room with Ginny. Setting the plate on a table in the middle, you all grabbed some treats.

"So you are dating Malfoy? I take it your parents accept him?" Hermione forcefully smiled.

It was an interesting situation, seeing as his family works for your uncle and your family has joined the Order. Opposing sides, opposing families.

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