Five years later | Return

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Your POV~

I groaned as I collected my stuff. Leo had sent me an owl saying he found someone with information about magic like ours and getting rid of it. She worked right by Leo and he said I'd have to talk to her myself since he's busy with his newborn daughter.

Yeah, I'm an Aunt!!

I knew I'd have to keep anyone from recognizing me on the streets. Lucky for me, it was the early 2000's and America is way different from the UK in the 90's. My hair was different, as in it was cut to a short bob and only went to my jaw. I used the hair straightening potion all the time to straighten it.

I grabbed a dark blue jumper, putting it over my floral blouse. My black skirt went to my ankles and I wore black flats with it. I used a white baseball cap to cover my face and I put on sunglasses. Leo told me that it was cold yet sunny in the UK today.

I apparated to an alley in London, walking out I looked at the signs. I found where I was and continued walking down the street, making my way to the place we could enter the ministry. The floo network worked in the toilets as well, so I just have to find the right restroom.

I didn't watch where I was going and bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologized.

I looked at the woman, "It's quite alright."

I panicked, realizing it was a grown up Astoria Greengrass. Her dark brown hair was down in curls and she wore a dark green dress that was very business like and classy. She wore black heels as well and very classy makeup.

I hid my face in my baseball cap, "Uh...again, sorry."

I turned on my heel and let out a sigh of relief. I was just glad she didn't know it was me, the ministry isn't far, so maybe I could get away with this.

"Next time you want to fool me (Y/n), don't wear the jumper Molly Weasley gave you for Christmas."

I froze in my spot, turning to face her slowly. Her eyebrow was raised, her arms crossed, and a smirk on her face. I gulped, looking at the sweater I was wearing, I failed to see the (f/i) on the sweater.

"Uh...Astoria I can explain."

"I'm sure you can, don't need to. I had a feeling you weren't dead, because nothing, not even death can keep you away from Draco. I knew something was up when Harley and Leo didn't act as upset as they should've been about your death."

I cursed those two under my breath. I turned my attention back to Astoria, taking off my cap this time. I held it in my hands and looked at her with a pleading look.

"Astoria, please don't say anything about this. I'm only here to gather some information and then I'm going straight back where I came from."

She frowned, "(Y/n), you have to tell Draco. Everyone needs to know you're alive, because where you came from is here. Your family is here and so is your life. Think about it."

She walked away and I stood there for a few seconds, processing what she said. I did want my life back, I've wanted that since my full year of death...but people moved on and I never saw a reason to. I thought I'd be able to do the same...but I couldn't.

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