Summer | Coming Home

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3rd person POV~

At the Riddle household, Arabella and Adrien were setting their dining room table. Their beloved kids were coming back from their time at Camp Half-Blood. Aaron and Anna were there as well, happily waiting for their friends to arrive.

Anna had cut her hair during the summer and Aaron had grown his out slightly. His hair wasn't it's usual dark purple, it was honey blond out of happiness.

"You haven't seen Leo in a while Anna, I thought you'd be shaking like crazy in anticipation." Aaron teased his friend.

Anna rolled her eyes, "I'm not that crazy about him, he's my friend of four years and boyfriend now."

Arabella walked to the couch and sat with the teens, "It'll all hit you at once when he arrives, trust me."

Anna blushed at her boyfriend's mother, never did she think his mother would be telling her this.

"You should've seen Arabella when I'd arrive to see her during the summer." Adrien chuckled.

Arabella rolled her eyes, "Hey, I'm not the one who begged for you to stay overnight. That was all you."

Adrien made a face at his wife as she blew him a kiss and gave him a wink.

Adrien sat down with a slight blush, "I have no doubt that it'll be surprising seeing them again. Kassandra sent a letter yesterday. It might be a bit of a shock."

It wasn't long until they heard the sound of a car honking, they all leaped up and went to the door. Opening it they walked out, standing in the shade they watched the car door swing open. The first to step out was (Y/n), the youngest changed slightly. It was only noticeable to those who really looked.

She wasn't buff, but instead she looked healthy. She still looked her age though, the only difference was she looked tanner and she grew a little. Her once lightly freckled face now had new ones. She carried herself in a more confident way and her eyes had a certain intensity in them.

Behind her was Leo, he was taller and toned. His jawline looked sharper, and upon seeing his girlfriend, his face lit up with a bright smile. He could notice his girlfriends red hair from far away, and she tried to hide her blushing face behind her hair.

Arabella had been right, because as soon as Anna saw Leo, she ran to him. His smile got wider, if that was possible, and he opened his arms for her. She jumped into his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist as he held his hand on the back of her head.

He could smell cinnamon coming off of her and his heart was leaping with joy. He put her on the ground and she stayed on his arm. Harley came out from behind, his face plastered with a smirk at his cousin's action. Aaron tried hard to not blush. He's liked Harley since he first found out he was attracted to guys.

Harley had changed the most. His hair was longer, his face was sharper, and he was fit. His shoulders seemed wider and he was tan, his hazel eyes fell on the others. Aaron's heart leaped, and he went towards his friends. Aaron ignored Harley's looks and hugged Leo and (Y/n) as a welcome back.

"Man, what did they feed you at camp?" Aaron chuckled.

"Lean meat, and we only ever ate half a plate." (Y/n) sighed.

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