Sixth year | Potions

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Your POV ~

I woke up with Draco next to me. I was feeling better than I was last night. His scent did help, because he smelled of Mint, apples, and mahogany. I didn't even notice I was burying my face into his shirt.

"Darling, if you wanted to be closer to me you should've just said so." He grinned, his voice hoarse in the morning.

I blushed, trying to turn to get out of his arms, but he gripped me tighter. He lifted me up till I was practically on top of him, my head on his chest. His hands were placed firmly on my bum, making sure I couldn't leave.

"Draco, you need to get back to your dorm. Remember? We have classes this morning."

He groaned, planting small kisses on my shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked at me lazily, half awake.

"No, I want to look at my stunning girlfriend. She looks so beautiful when she wakes up." He teased.

I smacked his chest, he cringed in slight pain. I slipped out of his arms and got out of bed. I grabbed his clothes and handed them to him.

"Hurry, before Blaise suspects anything."

He got up, taking his tie and robes. He stood in the doorway, giving me a quick kiss.

"I'll see you at breakfast, darling." He walked off and I smiled slightly, biting my lip.

Closing the door, I changed into my uniform and woke up Millicent. She changed as well, allowing me time to put my messy curls into two French braids. I put on my two necklaces and ring, going down with them to breakfast. Getting there I immediately sat by Draco, who got closer to me.

"What's with them? First thing in the morning and they're already attached at the hip." Blaise commented.

I went to scoot away a bit, but Draco stopped me by gripping my thigh. He brought me closer and looked at Blaise, unamused.

"She is my girlfriend, remember? I haven't seen her in a while." He frowned.

Blaise raised his hands up in surrender, "Sorry, just feels weird third wheeling this."

Pansy rolled her eyes at him, "Third wheeling? No, you have a girlfriend in Bulgaria and Millicent has a boyfriend. I'm the third wheel."

I chuckled, "That could change Pansy? Someone might like you and you don't know it."

We ate breakfast, making our way to our classes. We all had N.E.W.T level potions with Professor Slughorn first. It was nice to get good grades on the O.W.Ls, despite Umbridge and my mother dying that year.

We walked into class, grabbing the potions books he had on the list this year. We stood as we watched him bring out different types of potions. He was explaining some things when two boys decided to arrive fashionably late.

"Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all plan. Harry, my boy, I've been beginning to worry. You brought someone with us, I see." Professor Slughorn said.

"Ron Weasley, sir. But I'm dead awful at Potions. A menace, actually so. I'm probably just gonna—"

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out."

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