Summer | Different Perspectives

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Adrien's Day ~

Leaving quickly, I snuck out in the early morning. It was urgent and I needed to see her, because this was not what I wanted for our daughter. Apparating, I showed up to the Roseore family mausoleum. I looked at the vast land of different dead relatives who had not been entombed.

The new white angel was looking over my wife's body. It had not aged in the few days it was there, but the others next to it were worn and obviously tired from the weather.

The tree behind the building had her name carved in it.

Arabella Phoebe Riddle

I ran my fingers over the lettering, tears falling down my face. She was my first and only love.

"(Y/n) is struggling...I wish you could see her now. She needs you, and I need you to tell me what I should do next."

The wind blew in response.

"She says she's fine, but we both know she still blames herself for all of this. She's our daughter, her temper is the worst and it shows through her magic. You were always better at dealing with my family's anger issues."

I looked around, the cemetery was quiet. I wished it wasn't, just so I didn't have to think about my dead wife. No doubt she's reunited with her family in the afterlife. She always did miss her father...she has since she was fifteen.

This family seems to have a trend of parents dying. All I can hope is that (Y/n) won't have to experience this again. I sat down in the grass beside her grave, placing my hand on it gently. Like a memory being shown to me by her, my head filled with the memory of her.

When I first met her, when I realized I had feelings, and when we got our happy ending. We got married, had children, and even got to live a normal life for a while.

"She's looking more and more like you, it's hard sometimes. You left me two wonderful children, so I must go on for them, and for Harley. He was raised by us too." I chuckled.

The day I met her was something I'd hold onto forever. We were rivals, yes, but we didn't know each other well. Narcissa changed that when we were thirteen.

She was so...beautiful. Her brown hair was red in the sun, her green eyes were magnificent, and her smile made me forget why I thought I hated her.

I stood up, fixing my clothes and dusting any grass off. Going into work would be tough now that my brother has been seen. We're being watched, but I just have to leave with my family before anything can go wrong.

"I'll protect them for you, I promised you. Hopefully I'll join you in the afterlife, but only after our kids don't need me anymore." With that, I apparated back home.



Leo's day ~

I woke up earlier than my dear sister. Harley and father had already left for work before she came down for breakfast. Aunt Kass was going in and out of the kitchen, making (Y/n)'s favorites. She's been in a rotten mood since mother died.

We all were coping in our own ways, but (Y/n) was taking it harder than any of us. She had a real bond with mother, and there were things only mother could do for her.

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