Battle of Hogwarts | The Aftermath

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Your POV in the afterlife~

I looked around, I was in a beautiful valley. The grass was rippling rainbow colors, with flowers of silver and gold blooming in the yards of houses from every time period. I picked up something that was near my foot, it was one of my mother's earrings.

Looking around I saw a light in the distance, as if it were a camp fire. There was laughter in the air and it seemed like I was in a good place.


I turned around, seeing my mother drop the blankets in her hands. I felt my eyes tear up and a wave of comfort.


She ran to me, both of us holding each other tightly. I burst into tears, it was my fault she was even here. Her hand smoothing my hair out made me feel calm, I had missed her.

"You shouldn't be here! Why are you here?" She asked quickly.

I smiled awkwardly, "I kind of—I kind of blocked the killing curse during the war...with my body."

"You shouldn't be here, it's not your time," She took ahold of my hands. "Unless you have something else planned?"

I nodded. She sighed, but she didn't say anything. She led me to where the fire was coming from, I was shocked at who all was there.

"Fred?" I questioned.

The familiar red head looked at me, a smile creeping onto his face. He got up and walked over to me, handing me a burnt marshmallow.

"Crazy seeing you here, (Y/n). Figured you'd be with the living, snogging your boyfriend by now." He joked.

I hugged him tightly.

"Woah, don't fancy Malfoy anymore?" Fred chuckled.

I got off of him and smacked his arm. He gave me a laugh and went back to the fire. Looking around I saw Aunt Juniper, she gave me a warm smile. Harley really did look like her, it was all there in their mannerisms.

I saw a man who had the same look I did, black curly hair and sea green eyes. He sat next to a woman with slightly darker skin, her hair was brown and gray from age, and her eyes were hazel.

"When I died, your Aunt and Grandparents welcomed me. So did James and Lily Potter, the Marauders like you quite a bit." Mum chuckled.

I looked around the site, trying to find Harry's parents, Remus, Sirius...hell even Peter.

"You won't find them here. They didn't come with us, they're at Grimmauld place with Sirius, Remus, and Tonks." Grandmother said.

" is she?" I asked.

"She's fine, kid. Tell us though, you have the Roseore good looks and you're dating a Malfoy?" Grandfather asked.

Mum laughed at her dad, sitting down beside him, "Dad, enough. Draco is a very...interesting young man. He's gotten better because of her."

I heard footsteps and saw father appear from behind the corner. He had a bunch of logs in his arms, which nearly fell when he saw me. Grandfather took them out of his hands and let dad hug me. I felt so bad for his death, once again reigning it my fault.

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