End of Fifth Year

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Your POV ~

I swallowed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had gotten thinner, but these were hard times for the entire family. Fixing my dress I looked around my room, it's been trashed since I came back home.

I pulled on my shoes and went downstairs, completely unprepared for today. Mum's funeral was today, and I knew I'd have to face people eventually. It's not exactly nice having your mother be the third person to die during this stupid war.

"You look pissed." Leo commented.

"Yeah well, anyone would be when their mothers funeral is full of ministry officials. They're acting like it's a party, she'd hate this." I sighed.

Leo turned to me, sympathy in his eyes, "How are you holding up?"

I gave him an annoyed look. He knew the answer to that, that I'm doing as good as any girl who watched their mother die in their arms. All to protect me.

"Fine, but be nice. Some of your friends and the order will be here, then we will leave for Aunt Kass' place." He whispered.

He went on, but I stayed by the tree. After today, she'd be in the Roseore Mausoleum, next to her parents and sister. Her tomb would be marked with her name in bronze and it would be guarded by a white angel with a spear in hand.

My father, brothers, and I threw roses onto her coffin before they closed her in. It wasn't an open casket funeral, but we knew what she looked like in there. Hopefully she'll be happy in the afterlife. Now she could see Grandfather, we all knew she missed him greatly.

We went inside the house, the ministry officials leaving and our friends and family stayed behind. They mainly comforted my father and brothers, but I wanted to be alone. I sat at the stairs, staring at the ice in my drink melt. I saw feet in front of me, looking up to see Harry with a sad look on his face.

"Don't be a stranger Potter, sit down."

He sat beside me, playing with his pants a bit.

"How are you with Sirius gone?"

"Okay, not well but...how are you? We both lost someone that day."

I sighed, getting irritated immediately, "Harry, you lost your godfather. I get it, you're an orphan and he was the only family left for you, but I—I wasn't an orphan. I grew up with my mom for fifteen years. She's been with me for fifteen years and in one night...she was snatched away from me."

He set a hand on my shoulder, "I know it's hard for you, I understand that our situations are different. But don't hesitate to talk to me, from one person who lost important people to another."

He got up and left me on the stairs alone. I pulled my knees up to my chest, setting my head down as I stared out at the rainy sky. Perfect weather for the perfect feelings I was having today.

"I guess now isn't a good time?" It was Draco's voice.

"Not really, but is it ever a good time for us? Follow me? Please?" I got up and walked back outside.

The lake was a nice place to talk and reminded me a little less of my mother. Draco was beside me, his hands in the pockets of his black suit.

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