Third year | Train Ride of Unhapiness

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Your POV ~

"(Y/n)!" I turned around.

Hermione, Harry and Ron waved as they were pushed onto the train. I waved back before getting pushed onto the train too, it was more chaotic this time. Not that I blamed anyone, Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban.

I went to my compartment, where Draco was sitting with Parkinson, Millicent, Blaise, and his goons. I sat next to Millicent and Blaise, giving Draco a quick smile.

He had changed dramatically, he was taller and his platinum hair was no longer slicked back. His face was a bit more defined, his baby face was no longer there and he looked like a teenage boy.

He gave me a mischievous smile, "(Y/n)."

I smiled slightly, as Parkinson glared at me.

"Did your parents sign the permission slip for Hogsmeade?" Millicent asked.

"Oh, yeah, I'm excited! I really want to see what they have at Zonko's and Honeydukes!"

Blaise chuckled, "Think we should send some Zonkos to the others?"

Millicent cringed, "I'm afraid as to what they'd do with those. Poor Chiron will probably end up cleaning his mess."

We laughed at the idea of sending them magical pranks, but Parkinson looked at us annoyed while Draco looked amused.

"Stop doing inside jokes, we don't get it!" Parkinson snapped.

Millicent and I threw her a look, Draco knew what we were talking about even though he hadn't been there. We sent him letters about what would happen, and that was the first year he's ever continued to respond to us.

"You're still wearing the necklace." he smiled slightly.

I instinctively touched my necklace, "Yeah...I never take it off."

I looked at his hand, it still had the ring I gave him on.

"You're still wearing the ring, no?" I threw him a teasing smile.

His smiled widened at my teasing.

Parkinson rolled her eyes, "Do they always flirt like this?"

Millicent and Blaise looked at each other and back at her.

"Pretty much." Blaise confirmed.

"It's frustrating, isn't it?" Millicent sighed.

I looked at them confused.

"Don't forget what you told us at camp." Millicent reminded me.

I felt my face heat up, but Draco had a curious look on his face.

"Ugh, I don't have a problem with you anymore Riddle, but the obvious flirting is getting annoying." Parkinson sighed.

I looked at her surprised, "Wait—you don't have a problem with me anymore? Since when?!"

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