Seventh year | Escape & Apollo

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Your POV ~

It had been three days since Father died. They wouldn't even let me leave to deliver the body to my brothers or at least tell them the news. They got the idea though, because my brothers killed the death eaters when they saw what happened.

Leo sent me a note by using old magic. It just appeared in my mouth and I had to quietly cough out his letter.

He was planning with Harley a way to get me out of there. They couldn't come to Wiltshire, since the place is crawling with Death Eaters. They were in the process of a cloaking spell though, just in case.

The only reason they knew about Fathers demise was because they were about to leave for Camp. They saw Death Eaters in the distance and that's when they found out.

"(Y/n)?" Draco sat up from my bed.

He's been spending the nights with me lately. My nightmares came back a day after my fathers death. Almost like I was being reminded that it was only the beginning of my destiny.

"Sorry, I'm just reading something. Go back to bed if you're tired." I kissed his cheek.

Before I could get up fully, he put his hand behind my head. He pulled me down, his lips on mine and nothing but the sounds of our kisses echoing in the room.

Parting, he moved a bit and closed his eyes to sleep again. I smiled at his sleeping form, studying the muscles on his back as he slept. He had scars on his back and front from the spell Harry did in the bathroom.

My hand traced the ones on his back gently. I didn't want to wake him up, so I pressed my fingers to my mouth, kissing them and putting them to his scars.

Getting up, I changed into a dark red shirt, blue jeans, brown boots, and a cream colored cardigan. I put on my daisy necklace, the chain had broken so I had changed it with a shorter one. Now both my necklaces were visible.

I put my hair in two braids, hoping they wouldn't catch on to what was going to happen. Lucky for me, they can't reach into my mind, since Occlumency is easy for me.

Draco's POV ~

I woke up, turning over to see (Y/n) put something in a book. She set it down and turned, meeting my eyes. A smile crept onto her face, I remembered why I woke up everyday now.

She looked beautiful, despite being locked away for weeks now. Like a Princess locked in a tower, I wondered who would rescue her. Sadly her prince was with the people who locked her away and killed those she loves.

"Wow, is this really my girlfriend? The one I've been dating for almost three years now?" I smiled.

She brushed some hair behind her ear and chuckled. She grabbed my shirt off the back of the chair beside her, throwing it to me.

"Just get changed, they'll be coming up with breakfast soon, Mister Malfoy."

I put the shirt on, able to feel as she watched me. If we were in a better situation, I would've run off to Spain with her for holiday. Maybe even Greece, seeing as her family line still resides there.

"Mister Malfoy? I haven't heard you call me that in a long time, Princess."

She crossed her arms, "Well, I can't keep calling you Ferret or Towhead, now can I?"

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