Bonus Chapter | Castor & Leo

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February 14th, 2003~

Leo sat in the dark on the couch, holding a two day old baby in his arms. His shirt was off as he burped the tiny girl, his first child, Phoebe Diana Roseore. He looked down to see her eyes slightly open, the bright blue of her eyes resembling his. He was about to give up on burping her when he heard footsteps and someone clear their throat.

"You know, there's other ways to burp a baby."

Leo looked and saw his Uncle, "So you finally show up after all these years. And here I thought you hated us, Uncle Castor."

Castor rolled his eyes, which were the same color as both of his sisters. He ran a hand through his chestnut brown hair, looking as young as the day he first met Leo.

"I said I'd never come back after what happened to my twin, but then it happened again. Look, I'm sorry I wasn't around, especially after what happened to Arabella." he frowned.

Leo stayed silent, looking at his daughter and back at Castor, "You said there's another way to burp her?"

Castor sat beside Leo, showing him how to do it. He smiled slightly, looking at Leo.

"You really grew up. The last time I saw you was when you were a toddler, you were unbelievably clingy towards Bells. We were all worried your eyes would turn dark as you got older, but nope, those are your father's eyes alright."

"Why are you here now? You know it's just me and Harley standing now, right?" Leo asked.

"I know, kid, and I came to bring this," Castor held out a book. "Your sister and I ran into each other in New York. She explained everything."

Leo took the book, setting it on his lap as he moved Phoebe to be over his shoulder. He flipped through it slowly, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at it.

"I don't get it, what is this?" He asked.

Castor grabbed the book back, flipping to a specific page, he blew on the page. Dust flew off the pages, revealing various portraits.

"Castor, what is this?" He asked once more.

"You'll see." Castor sighed.

Leo's eyes scanned every face, seeing a few names he recognized and some he did not. The pictures ended on one name he hadn't seen in a while, Leonidas Roseore I. It was his grandfather, but the entire thing did not end there. Castor showed a secret side of the page, showing it all ended with his mother and her siblings' names.

"It took me years to find this, that's why I was gone. I wanted to bring back Juniper, but to do that I needed to find out more...darker things than Necromancy. I made it to a very illegal place, where the documents that historians claimed were burned, were in perfect condition. I found this there and talked to the guy in charge of the place." Castor finished.

Leo frowned as he tried to remember what they learned about every magical library of library in existence.

"How did you find this? These documents were said to have been destroyed. Why would our family be part of those documents?"

"I can't explain it. It's already a danger to have brought it here to you, but the organization I stole it from are unlike anything we've ever seen." Castor's voice quivered, from the cold and fear.

"Uncle Castor...what have you done? Why are you sharing this now?" Leo asked.

"I'm trusting this book over to you. I already have people after me, but you can keep it safe. There's some important information on the last chapter, you might want to read it. You can catch your siblings up later." Castor got up, fixing his jacket.

"So you're just going to leave again? Don't you want to see everyone again? I mean, this is your first time even acknowledging my daughter." Leo moved Phoebe to face Castor.

Castor's eyes softened and he had a pained expression, "I want to stay, believe me. I never intended to be an absent Uncle, especially with how much I loved Bells. This is for the best, trust me."

"It's kind of hard to trust someone you've only ever seen one time. You didn't even leave your room when you were here for summer. Then Mum died and all you did was leave a note. You could've just sent an owl to do that for you!"

"Leo, you're going to be a great father. You're the next generation, it's your turn to take on the responsibilities and secrets that come with this family." Castor ruffles Leo's already messy hair.

He smiled down at Phoebe for a second, who had her mother's red hair. Castor gently touched the tip of her nose and apparated away. At that moment, Phoebe cried and Leo was back to being a father. Anna came down and asked what was wrong, taking Phoebe in her arms.

After that, no one ever saw Castor again. Not until the winter of 2004, when they had gotten a call that his body had been found at the bottom of some cliffs in Croatia. They determined his body had been there at least for a few months.

So, Castor Roseore joined his sisters in the afterlife. The Roseore family never seemed to be able to escape this part of their Greek heritage, their tragic deaths. Do not be sad dear readers, because this is the cycle of life, and this is not the end for this family. Until next time....

A/n: One more bonus down and one more family member lost. I didn't use Castor a lot in this story, but it's all for a reason. Anyways, maybe if the sequel does well we can look forward to a prequel. No promises, but I'm not denying the idea👀

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