First year | Valentines day

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After Christmas, my life had done a full 180, crazy. Upon researching to help Potter, Aunt Kass talked to me about it and the attack earlier this year. They sat us down and explained everything, now my summer would be different. No breaks for me...hell, I was still processing the gods being real. Today would hopefully go by fast, because I don't want anything to do with Valentine's Day.

Like everyone else, Blaise and Millicent were dressed nice for Valentine's Day. The off chance anyone would get chocolates or anything was slim since we were first years. I didn't mean to dress in the same way, but it ended up that way.

I wore a billowy white shirt, loose pink dungarees, and sneakers. Eating at the Slytherin table, there were countless pink hearts decorating the walls. It was almost sickening at how much pink and red there was.

"(Y/n), the usual today?" Anna had come to our table.

She was dressed very pretty, most of the times I ever saw her during summer she'd be in a simple shirt and jeans. Today her hair was done and she wore a white dress with pink flowers.

"You wore the dress Leo bought you." I said out loud.

Her face turned slightly pink, "Yeah, I...thought it'd be good for today."

I chuckled, "You look as beautiful as a daisy, Anna. Same place as usual."

She left to her table, an occasional look thrown her way by swooning third year boys.

"Usual?" Blaise asked.

I nodded, "Every time it's Valentine's Day I'd send them treats, Leo would share at a picnic by the lake. This year I get to join, and now so do you."

Millicent and Blaise looked at me, "That's nice, but Blaise and I actually have plans."

"Doing what?" I asked.

Blaise blushed, "I have someone I want to give Valentine's Day candy to, so does Millicent."
Now I understood, they needed each other to help in case it went wrong.

"Understandable, I'll just be on my way." I finished my piece of toast and eggs.

I was going to walk out when Parkinson blocked me, "Well, Well, look who doesn't have a valentine." she taunted.

I saw flowers in her hand and chocolates.

"Sorry, my family doesn't send me stuff to feel good about myself like yours do." I shrugged.

She scoffed, "As if, these are from Dracy."

I rolled my eyes, looking behind me to where Malfoy was sitting.

He was picking at his food on his plate, his chin resting on his palm as kids talked around him. He paid no attention, until he glanced at me from the corner of his eyes. He looked away, doing a double take and I waved shyly. I turned back around, not waiting to see if he waved back.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Parkinson." I sighed.

She scowled, "He did, and if you think he'd ever go for someone like you, you're delusional. He has a reputation to keep up and he doesn't need your family ruining it."

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