Weddings & Reality

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Your POV~

I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair was up and out of my face, small bits strayed down. My face was covered in natural makeup, Millicent and Pansy had worked on it the entire morning. They had trouble deciding whether or not to do a variation of browns, gold, or pink. In the end they did light pink and a pearl color.

"We need to get your shoes on before we do the dress." Millicent said.

Pansy grabbed my shoes from the corner. They were white heels with a pink bow around my ankle, keeping them from slipping off. Millicent and Pansy called in Narcissa and Anna for help with my dress.

It was quite heavy with all of the hand sewn details on it, from lace patterns to pearls and rhinestones. They got it over me, Pansy and Anna had me hold onto them to balance.

My hair was messed up slightly, but Narcissa got right to work on fixing it as Millicent straightened out the dress. They zipped it up on me and fixed anything on me that was messed up in the process.

Anna went to the table in my changing room, grabbing some flowers from the centerpiece. She stuffed forget-me-nots into my hair and got my veil, which was long as could be.

Narcissa helped me pick it and she hand sewed the flowers on it, using mother of pearl for the centers. The veil went under my bun, and was longer than my dress.

They handed me my bouquet, which was a variation of white roses, pink anemone, and forget-me-nots. I sighed, looking out the window at all the people coming in.

We invited Draco's family, obviously, but we also invited people we worked with and classmates. The Weasley family was taking their seats, Bill and Fleur had their daughter dressed in a darling blue dress. Arsenio Zabini was our ring bearer for today, walking down with Phoebe when it was time.

"Alright, everything is ready and we have people on standby if the swans decide to attack." Anna informed me.

"The people are done setting up inside, the food you asked for is being prepared as we speak." Millicent smiled.

I had made Anna my wedding planner, so she worked with my maid of honor, Millicent, to prepare everything. Anna would be in the wedding as well, she was going to walk out with Harley. Leo decided he'd walk me down the aisle, and I agreed to it because he is my brother.

"Alright, best man here!" Blaise announced, coming into my room. "You look stunning by the way, but how important is something new to you?"

Pansy put her hands on her hips, "Don't tell me we forgot to buy it."

Anna's eyes went wide, she started furiously scribbling on her clipboard, "I can't believe this!! How fast can we get someone to buy something, we already have something blue!!"

Millicent went to her side to calm her down, "Breathe Anna, in and out."

"We figured it out, so Harley had run and bought something. He managed to buy this." Blaise held out a box of earrings.

They were diamond studs, but they had silver strands dangling from them at different heights, tear shaped jewels were on them. I had seen them before.

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