Sixth year | Almost

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Your POV ~

"Come on! I know we're supposed to be against Gryffindor, but we should see tryouts at least. We have nothing better to do." Millicent groaned, crossing her arms as I sat at my desk.

She had been bugging me about how I was not much fun anymore. I was trying to do homework so I could have more fun. Now she's trying to convince me to see quidditch tryouts.

"Mills, if you let me finish my Astronomy, then I could have more fun."

She rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand and making me stand up, "You haven't changed out of your pajamas all day. Get dressed and hurry, before I kick your ass myself."

I didn't put up a fight. It was colder today, so I grabbed a light green turtleneck, jeans, and a jacket. Putting them on I decided to wear my trusty boots, because screw being cold.

"Let's go! It'll start soon!" Millicent dragged me out to the quidditch field before I could even take my hair out of its braids.

We got seats to ourselves, earning some nasty looks from Gryffindors there to watch. They thought we were going to sing Weasley is our king. They failed to understand that if I wanted to mock Weasley I would've already.

"Who's that? Beside Ron?" I wondered aloud.

"Cormac, I don't actually know him, but I don't think I really want to." Hermione commented.

Millicent and I turned to talk to her, "Uh—why is he—why is he staring up this way?"

I shrugged, Millicent was already creeped out by him. Hermione shuddered and looked away.

"I think he's flirting with Hermione?" I snickered.

Hermione gave me a look and I tried to stop smiling. It didn't work and Millicent had to cover my smile with her hand. I was sure Hermione would have smacked me with the book in her hand, but what's worse than that?

"He's vile." She muttered.

We watched tryouts and saw that Cormac was amazing at being a keeper. Ron was okay, but he wasn't terrible at least. Suddenly, Cormac got confused and started doing everything wrong. Hermione may or may not have slipped a confundus charm...wandless might I add.

After tryouts we went towards the common room again. Walking through the halls I turned my head in time, seeing Draco walking, but he was constantly looking over his shoulder.

"Millicent, I'll catch up with you."

She nodded, going on without me. I went in the direction I saw Draco going. Turning the corner, he was gone. I looked around, going a few steps forward to see if maybe he was faster than I gave him credit for.

He wasn't there...he vanished.



Time skip ~

"Let's go! I'm cold!" Millicent dragged Blaise and I to the three broomsticks.

"Alright, three butterbeers?" I laughed.

We sat at our table and ordered our butterbeers. Pansy joined us not soon after and she ordered a butterbeer for herself.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now