Third year | Sirius Black

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Your POV ~

"I'm sorry, what?" I looked at Harry in disbelief.

Since Hogsmeade he's been strange, and now he's told me why. Sirius Black is his godfather, and is the one who turned his parents in know.

"It's not exactly nice news I want to share." he said.

I don't blame him, but then again, my godfather isn't a mass murderer that took my parents life. My godfather is my Uncle, who hasn't been seen in years.

"Well, now we're even. We both have murderers for family." I smiled gently, trying to help him.

Harry nodded slightly, "I need to go. I have lessons with Professor Lupin."

I stood up, "I'll come with, I need to talk to him about something."

We both walked to the DADA classroom. I waited out in the hall while Harry did his lessons. It took about an hour for them to finish up, because Harry walked out tired looking and Professor Lupin motioned for me to come in.

"I was surprised when you showed up with Harry. You're doing well in this class so I didn't think you'd be asking for help, so it's a personal matter." He turned around, leaning against his desk.

I held out a bottle, "Professor Snape did assign me to make your wolfsbane potion. You must've forgotten that my mother knows your secret, and so do I."

He smiled, taking the bottle and setting it on his desk.

"Just like your mother, though she always did cause trouble. She got in fights all the time, because to her—"

"Family is always and forever," I finished, with a smile at the saying. "I know, I grew up with that saying too. And I do cause trouble, I just don't get caught, that part is my father."

He smiled fondly, "How are your parents? Kassandra? It's been awhile since I've seen either of them."

I shrugged, walking around the room looking at the things he had on his desk.

"Aunt Kass is fine, she travels between here and New York. Mother is fine, she's busy as usual, but she cut her hair short recently. Father is busy, but he never fails to make jokes and take things less seriously than mother would like." I chuckled.

"So the exact same?"

We laughed for a bit, but I knew it was time for me to leave now. I needed to see Hagrid soon, I hadn't talked to him in a while and felt bad about what was going on with Buckbeak.

"Please take your potion, I worked hard and I know how bad the full moon is for you."
with that I left his room.

I made my way to Hagrid's hut immediately, bless the weekend. I found Hagrid by the lake, skipping massive stones.

"Hagrid!" I called as I walked towards him.

"(Y/n)! What brings you by?" He asked.

"I wanted to know how things went at the hearing." I answered.

He looked away and back at me, "Let's wait for Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They're on their way."

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