Fifth year | Storm brewing

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Your POV ~

I put on the sweater Mrs. Weasley gave me for Christmas. It was an achievement for me to get a famous Weasley sweater. She made the sweater color green and white, with my first initial in black. Arthur Weasley had been attacked, my father was the one who found him. He's fine, but it was awkward with Harry there.

He told me about what he saw and having to practice with Snape to keep Voldemort out of his head. I would've helped him, but mine came naturally. Growing up with Leo being able to reach into my thoughts, I learned how to keep him out naturally. Then Father taught me the proper way when I was seven.

We had Christmas at Grimmauld place, and with tensions high after Hagrid saying a storm was coming...he wasn't wrong.

"Bellatrix Lestrange has escaped from Azkaban! (Y/n) you can't go out alone anymore." Millicent whispered to me.

"I know Mills, but I'm at Hogwarts right now. I'll be fine, I just...need to put up more barriers at my house."

She stopped me in the hallways, "If you're planning on using that other magic, don't! One day it's going to kill you, I'm sure of it."

I haven't used that magic since Cedric, because I was scared of what I could do with it. So saying I'd use it meant I was serious, and I am.

"Let's just go to breakfast, Draco and Blaise are waiting for us." We walked in and started eating.

The D.A. was having a meeting soon, which meant I'd have to help keep them from getting caught.

"So...are we going to ignore Draco's deranged Aunt escaping Azkaban? Or are we going to talk about how she's going to go after (Y/n)?" Blaise ate his oatmeal awkwardly.

Millicent smacked his arm, "Shut up!"

Draco gave me an awkward look, and I returned it. We hadn't thought this far about what to do with our family on opposite sides. Not to mention, most of his family would be going after me and my family with my Uncle back in power.

"Let's just get on with the day, okay?"



Small time skip ~

I watched as they tried to get Luna as she went into the room of requirements. Today was the day we were supposed to be learning the patronus charm.

I've wanted to learn it for a while, but you need a happy memory for that. I can't say if mine would be enough to make a full patronus.

"We're wasting our time." I sighed.

The boys looked at me with Mr. Filch, annoyed, "If you helped, maybe we'd catch them."

I rolled my eyes, sitting on one of the benches in the halls, "I am helping, because none of you realize we'll get nowhere like this."

Blaise looked at me annoyed. He had taken interest in getting extra credit. He was kind of failing a few things in certain classes.

"Maybe if you stopped snogging Malfoy, we'd find something, dear."

I frowned at him as Draco winked at me.

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