First year | Holy hades

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Today was the day Potter and his friends were going after Snape, supposedly. They thanked me for my work and I made them promise not to drag me into any of this if they got caught.

They promised not to and we agreed to not be friends nor enemies. Simply for them to come to me if they needed information or something.

Exams were exhausting so now we got time off for a bit to go outside or be with friends. It had been a few weeks since Valentine's Day and Leo still hadn't apologized. Anna was going out of her way to avoid him, and that made morale worse for Leo.

Harley was taking things easy after that happened, and Draco checked on me every now and then. Aaron and I communicated with each other on how to trick Anna and Leo into being in the same place.

Today was the day we'd do it, we owled Anna saying we needed her help with studying in the courtyard. She agreed to meet us there after lunch, we didn't tell her Leo would be there. We didn't even tell Leo, we planned for him to be walking with us.

I told Draco the plan during breakfast, "Are you sure you should do that?"

I frowned, "How else am I supposed to get them to talk to each other? She avoids him."

Millicent clicked her tongue, "You could just lock them in a room together for a few hours?"

Blaise looked at her like she was insane, "Remind me to never get in a fight with one of you and have Millicent be the one to try and resolve it."

Millicent smacked his arm while I laughed, Draco just rolled his eyes.

Blaise rubbed his arm, "Don't invite Mills over during the summer, she'll just hit me the entire time."

Millicent perked up, "Right! What are you doing during the summer? I want to visit you!"

I shrank into my seat, ", you can't. I'll be with my Aunt in New York the entire summer."

Draco tilted his head in confusion, "I thought your aunt lived in Ireland?"

"She does, but she went to summer camp there so she has old friends. She travels between Ireland and New York a lot. She wants us to spend the summer with her this year, see if we want to attend the same summer camp." I smiled, I was nervous they'd press for more questions.

"That's cool, but are you going to study ahead of time for when we finally get astronomy?" Millicent sighed.

I raised an eyebrow, "We don't get that for a while, why do you need to study now?"

"There's so many stars and names, I don't know how we'll remember them! Why'd they have to be named after Greek mythology?" Blaise whined.

I chuckled, "If you guys wanted help you should've asked. I know the stars very well."

In my head I was screaming as if that was a coincidence or not now. My own Aunt was a demigod and I'm a legacy with my brothers! Great, even more reason for people to come after me, let's hope no one finds out about the heir of Slytherin anytime soon.

After I went and changed out of my uniform and got in normal clothes. I wore a white shirt with a sunflower on it, shorts, and sneakers. I put a yellow ribbon in my hair and my rings on. I walked outside, meeting Aaron and Leo in the hallways.

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