First year | Malfoy Manor

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"Wake up!" Leo screamed in my ear.

I covered my ears as they bled out, but it was still better than his singing.

"Get ready, breakfast is set up downstairs. We leave afterwards." Harley pulled down the covers and shook me gently.

I looked at Harley tiredly, "I don't wanna!!"

Today was my birthday, you'd think it'd be a happy day, but alas, no. Normally we would do whatever I chose to do, but today we had to go see the Malfoy family. Mother wouldn't tell why, but she said it'd be nice for you to meet their son.

He's my age, our mothers think if we knew each other then we'd have friends when going to Hogwarts and would be less nervous. Truth be told, I've met their son before, but faint memories keep me from remembering everything.

"I know, but if I have to go you do too. Come on!!" Harley patted my head, giving me a small smile.

He dragged Leo out of my room, closing my door. Walking to the window, I moved the curtains, feeling the warm sun on my face. I used to hate my birthday being in the summer, because it was always so hot. Now, I enjoy the feeling of the warm sun. I smiled at the view of the garden.

Going to the closet, I grabbed a green dress, putting it on over my white shirt. Tying my sandals I grabbed a ribbon off my dresser, tying my hair into a low bun.

I put on a silver ring, it looked like an olive branch wrapped around my finger. Aunt Kass sent it yesterday as an early gift.

Downstairs, my family looked relatively normal for a family of wizards. Our family is high up, in literally everything. The Malfoy family is pretty rich, but our family beat them out when my parents married.

The Roseore family is well known for having a long line of Ravenclaws, but especially for our family magic going back to the beginning in Ancient Greece. Father, no one but those he trusts knows we're the direct line of Salazar Slytherin.

"This visit is going to be the death of me." mother groaned, adjusting her perfectly curled hair.

"We'll be fine, don't worry."

Mother relaxed when she saw father, they have a good relationship even after two kids and a nephew.

"Look alive cousin, it's just the Malfoy's." Leo assured Harley.

Harley was fidgeting uncomfortably, we knew this was hard on him. Especially after what happened to him at that manor.

"Even so, I'll be silent most of the time."

I took hold of Harley's hand, smiling up at him, "You're not alone Harley, remember, we're in this together."

Harley kissed the top of my head, making me giggle, he hadn't done that since I was six.

"I know."

We loaded into fathers car and left for Malfoy Manor. Looking out the windows of the car, watching the flowers and grass pass by. We knew we were there when the scenery became dark. It was like a haunted forest, even more so when we saw the dark manor.

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