Fourth year | Yule ball

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Your POV ~

"Why do you think Snape has called us here before classes?" Millicent whispered.

I shrugged, the girls were all on one side of the room with the boys on the other. Snape had called us in and he had a big record player with him. I doubt we were in trouble, unless he was going to make us clean with music as our only source of entertainment.

"As you all know, we are the host school for the Triwizard tournament," he looked around the room. "So I expect everyone to be on their best behaviors, and represent Hogwarts well during the Yule ball. Because the Yule ball is a dance."

The girls immediately broke into excited whispers, the guys looking around nervously. We'd never had the chance for something like this, so this must've been what the dress robes were for.

"I expect you all to learn how to dance before then. Now we will have a demonstration." he whipped around to the boy's side.

They all shrunk back in fear of being chosen.

"Mister Zabini, will you please come forward to dance with Miss Riddle?"

I got up, walking to meet Blaise in the center. We smiled at each other awkwardly, trying hard not to burst into laughter in front of Professor Snape.

"Now, Mister Zabini, you will bow to her and she will bow back. Taking her hand you will hold it, as your other hand will be on her waist and hers on your shoulder." Snape dragged on.

Blaise did a grand bow and I did a small one back, putting my hand in his. We took the position, but I struggled not to laugh, because Blaise's hand was tickling me.

"Now go." Snape clapped, while Filch started the music.

Blaise and I struggled with our steps, but eventually got the hang of it. I couldn't help but laugh at how awkward all this was, especially with Blaise trying to not step on my feet constantly.

Snape let the others come up to try, Malfoy coming and stealing me away from Blaise. Blaise was unsure whether he should or not, but I nodded my head.

Malfoy and I did our steps. They were light, everyone else around us doing the same. I tried not to look into his eyes, still deeply upset with what he said. Even more if I thought about the possibility that...he might not like me anymore.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry about what I said." The music picked up, our steps becoming slightly faster.

The room spun as we danced all around the room we were in. He lifted me up as the others did.

"There's nothing to talk about."

We switched partners, I ended up with Adrian Pucey, who dipped me gently.

Dancing around with him while Millicent danced with Malfoy. Spinning twice, I moved back to Malfoy. The music slowed down, but it quickly picked back up. I frowned while dancing with him, but he was good at dancing.

"Please, just meet me at the courtyard." The music ended, and he dipped me.

Coming back up, I looked at him, shaking my head.

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