Battle of Hogwarts II

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Your POV ~

I looked around, looking outside I saw the Demigods were holding themselves up well. The protection I provided them from the spells flying everywhere was proving to hold up well. Thanks Ino for providing me with a protection spell, because reverse engineering it was proving well.

I saw Aubrey running around a giant's feet with Steve, they tripped the giant. It didn't prove well for Steve, because he fell over the edge. I ran out immediately, whistling for one of the guys on a broom as I dove off the edge. I grabbed Steve, who grinned at me.

"Fancy seeing you here!" He said in a bad posh British accent.

The brooms swooped in and we landed on the back. It wasn't as soft a fall as you would've thought.

"Don't die on me now, Steve." I joked.

We were steered back to the fight, swooping down so I could jump off onto the giant. Aubrey held the ends of the rope, which she was having trouble tying.

She held it with one hand as she swiped at a giant spider. I ran to the spider, jumping and stabbing it with one of my knives. I brought the knife down its back as it was embedded in there.

I helped Aubrey tie the giant. We braced as Jennifer used her charmspeak to subdue it.

"Now Aubrey!" I shouted.

Aubrey planted my dagger into the giant's skull. It went limp so we untied it and wound up the rope. The rest of the demigods attacked with everything they had, and they were doing well.

"They're gathering in the Great Hall, I suggest you bring your army in. Voldemort's are retreating as well, for the next wave!" Professor McGonagall announced.

I rounded all of my demigods, we all met in the Great Hall. We stayed in our own corner, away from the students, who were already staring at us. It was in pure fear and awe. Tommy was tending to Steve, who had gotten injured by some monsters.

"Alright guys, you're all doing really well. Keep it up, try not to get hit by any spells, the protection I gave you is experimental." I said.

"Should we post archers up in the towers?" An Apollo kid asked.

I frowned, "That's a good question, but I don't know what else they have up their sleeves. Do it for now, but if anything comes your way and the towers are about to go down, yell for Oliver. They'll get you on some brooms."

Tommy looked around confused. I raised an eyebrow and he signaled he wanted to talk in private. I dismissed everyone and they sat down, just for a break or fixed their weapons and armor. Jessica was messing with something, the clinking echoing.

Tommy waved me with Aubrey over to the corner. Jennifer joined along with Jessica after she looked up from her project.

"Okay, so it's a group meeting thing. What's up Tommy?" I sighed.

He huddled closer to us, "Is this the part you talked about next?"

I looked around at all of them. They all had sadness in their eyes, but this is how it had to be. Shane was on standby to take over when the time came.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now