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The sky rumbled, it was a cloudy day and the smell of a storm was strong in the air. The hidden house in Ireland on the cliffs, was Kassandra Roseore's. She had bought the place when the war started, putting concealment charms and older magic around the place.

Upstairs in her room, Arabella Roseore sat writing. Scribbling out the words on the parchment, she balled it up and threw it on the ground. This was the seventh letter she'd written and had no idea what to say.

"Careful, Aria, if Leo catches onto your stress he'll be restless," Kassandra walked into the room. "Plus, you won't heal like you should be."

"I know Kass, but writing what happened to Adrien is harder than it seems."

Arabella had been stressed ever since her boyfriend, Adrien, told her that he was going on a dangerous mission. That was many months ago, and the day after he left she found out she was pregnant. She told him after two months, he was excited, but worried about whether she'd be able to handle being pregnant without him. He had sent her a note to try and cheer her up, he wasn't going to be gone forever.

"Why don't you just tell him he's born, then put the Birthday, name, and weight. Or do you want me to owl him?" Kassandra smiled.


Kassandra handed her sister her baby, happy to do what she could for her. It wasn't an easy situation. Kassandra quickly scribbled on the parchment, Leo making little noises while in his mother's arms. He was about a month old now, the labor process had been rough for Arabella. Leo was born with a head full of honey blond hair, it wasn't staying though, because the ends were becoming darker.

"Do you think his eyes will get darker?" Leo had opened his eyes, awake from his nap.

"I hope not, his eyes remind me of Adrien's." Arabella moved some of his hair, a smile on her face.

Kassandra rolled her eyes at her older sister, she was acting like a lovesick teenager again. When Leo first opened his eyes, Arabella had burst into tears because they were like Adrien's. Also, because her baby was here now.

Kassandra handed the note to her sister. She read through it, but frowned at the part after Leo's birth.

"Kass, I don't want him knowing about that part yet!" her brows furrowed.

"Is that a good idea, Aria? You kept Leo a secret and now you want to keep this a secret?"

"Kass, Adrien almost didn't go back to the war when he found out I was pregnant," Arabella had a look of worry on her face. "He's needed on Dumbledore's side so this can be over. He'll just come back if he hears what happened."

"Fine, I'll rewrite and keep that out." She finished the note and sent it on its way.

Kassandra had been studying healing and wanted to go into medical school in the muggle world. That's why Arabella was glad to have Kassandra around when she gave birth.

"I'll go get lunch on the stove, you might want to feed Leo and put him down." She checked her watch.

Kassandra was extremely bright and could pick things up quickly, but she got criticism for doing things without magic. Always studying when she's not doing something, which results in her looking tired and wearing the same clothes two days in a row. Her curly hair was always down, but she started wearing it up when Leo was born.

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