End of Fourth Year

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Draco's POV ~

"Is she doing okay?" I whispered to Millicent.

Looking at (Y/n) from a distance, her eyes were swollen and red. After Cedric Diggory's funeral, his father gave her the gift Cedric had talked to her about before.

The gift was a daisy necklace, she wore it with the necklace I gave her and her camp necklace. It was the only thing she had left of Cedric.

"She's distant. Her friendship with him was new, but she really cared about him. It's hard on her, especially since she had that vision before his death."

Blaise was trying to get her to eat something, because since then she's been silent. She hasn't said a word or opened her mouth for even a crumb of food.

"She feels responsible, doesn't she?"

Millicent nodded. There was no way any of us could say it wasn't her fault. She'd just point out her vision being late, and the fact that he died at the hands of her uncle.

We saw Potter walk towards her, Blaise getting defensive immediately. She put a hand on him, shaking her head. Blaise got up and walked over to us in the corner.

"What do you suppose Potter is doing?" He asked, eyeing where he left (Y/n).

"Helping her? He says he saw Cedric after he died, telling him to take his body back to his father, Amos."

I watched carefully, ready to jump in if Potter hurt her. All that happened was she gave him a quick hug and a small smile. He left and she made her way to us.

"Ready to go home?" She asked.

I pulled her into a hug. She was stiff, but relaxed and hugged me back.

Parkinson came over carefully, "I'm sorry about...Cedric, I know you were friends. I'd see you two studying in the library."

(Y/n) pulled away from me, and smiled at Parkinson.

She took Parkinson's hands, "I'm okay, and thank you Pansy."

We left to get our things and change out of our uniforms. Getting my owl and trunks, I loaded everything on the train.

Getting a compartment, I waited for Blaise, Millicent, Pansy, and (Y/n) to join me. First person to pay me a visit was Leo.

He sat in front of me, his face serious and brooding, "I can trust you, right?"

I nodded. Leo didn't know (Y/n) and I were a thing, but I don't think he's dumb enough to be oblivious of our actions. It was his last year, and next year it'd just be (Y/n).

"My uncle is back, which means (Y/n) is going to be a target. Are you prepared for that?"

"Leo, I'm prepared to fight for her if I need to. She has a heart of gold...we've seen it, and the more she gets hurt, the more it'll fade. I'm prepared to run with her if I need to." Leo played with the buttons on his shirt.

Leaning back he licked his lips, looking nervous about what to say next, "My sister did that spell, and it failed when she did it. Delayed reactions aren't a thing in spells like this. I talked to my Aunt and I'm going to New York, to figure some stuff out."

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