Fourth year | Cold Welcome Back

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Your POV ~

"Trust me, it was an interesting match and Krum did well, but it was exhausting." I sighed.

Millicent and Blaise were worried about the aftermath, especially since it had the mark of someone we knew too well.

"How did you not get in trouble for underage magic? Was it your mother?" Blaise asked.

I shook my head, looking around. I checked to make sure the compartment door was closed.

"I used an ancient type, it runs in my family. We were well liked by the goddess Hecate and as each woman joined her temple, she granted us power. We got the extra boost in power when they traveled to the new world in search of help from a powerful witch."

They looked unsurprised, which was my same reaction. My family history is complicated on both sides, and each time I learn something new, it makes more sense as to why we get criticized by non-Greek pureblood traditionalists.

"That's why you didn't get in trouble, because it wasn't magic from our world." Millicent nodded.

I shrugged, Draco walked in and sat down next to me with Parkinson sitting by Millicent. Blaise looked at me confused and I sent the same look back.

Draco always did this, was close to me, but then immediately became distant. It felt like a tradition each year.

"So," Millicent started, "any guess as to why we were required to bring dress robes this year?"

I shook my head, it was weird that it was required this year. Maybe something special was happening.

"I wish my mother would've just bought me something less...expensive and flashy." Blaise sighed.

He had shown us earlier, his mother bought him dark red dress robes and they were nice and very...vampire like for a choice.

"Did you see Weasley's robes? Dear god, they looked like something straight out of the eighteen hundreds." Draco scoffed.

I looked at him blankly, blinking slowly and I turned my attention elsewhere.

"I have mine, but I'm not too sure about them. Mainly the color, I'll show you and Millicent when we get to Hogwarts." I said to Pansy.

Pansy nodded, but she looked at Draco and gave him a look.

I turned my head and met his eyes, "We need to talk, (Y/n)."

Pansy looked at Millicent, instantly they got up and left the compartment, dragging Blaise too. Before closing the door, they drew the blinds as well, but I knew they'd try to listen in. I moved to the seat across from him, crossing my legs with an expecting look.

"Alright, what is it? Your father said you can't be associated with me, he's planning to get me expelled again, or is he going to try something else this year?"

Draco shook his head, but he looked hesitant to tell me what was going on with him.

"It's not that, but I'm worried about you. After everything that's happened, you know who's presence is stronger than ever. You having the same blood running in your veins worries me, especially the consequences if it's found out."

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