Sixth year | Curse

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Your POV ~

I walked through the halls of Hogwarts, glad to be back after Christmas. I spent it with my family, who wasn't doing all they could to avoid me this time. It felt...whole. Mother is still in our hearts and we're still not over her death, but it's gotten easier. Father has been getting help and Aunt Kass has been doing all she can.

"(Y/n)!" Millicent, Blaise, and Pansy came running towards me.

They hugged me tightly and I walked with them to the common room. There, I saw Draco sitting and staring into the fire as he played with his ring. He was skinnier than when I last saw him, he seemed ill, pale, and looked like he was having massive waves of Anxiety and paranoia.

"You guys go up, I'll be there soon."

They nodded and went to our rooms. I sat beside Draco on the couch, not getting too close to him. I didn't know if he knew I was here or not.

"Why are you with me?" He mumbled.

My brows knit together, "You know why."

He rubbed the arm where his dark mark was, it was probably burning badly. He looked at me with pain and sorrow in his eyes, like nothing I'd seen before.

"I don't, actually. I never could understand it."

I got closer to him, putting my hand on top of his hand where it laid on his mark.

"You were like me, but maybe that's why I hated you in the beginning. You lashed out at others and I kept it in, but you liked me for who I was. I like you for who you are, and I know it's not your fault. I know that you are capable and worthy of love."

He took a shaky breath, almost as if he wanted to cry. We had both been shoved into families we didn't ask for. Yes, mine was nicer and more loving, but we had enemies. I had enemies from the moment I was born, and so did my brothers and that ended up costing our mother her life. I'm not about to let Draco's family values take him too.

"You were this beautiful, caring, and nice person. That's why I liked you, because you made me feel something I've never felt before. Despite that, I still don't understand." His voice wavered.

I kissed his cheek softly, "You don't have to, because I liked you, as in the past. Now...I love you."

I stroked his hair to calm him, and it did. His breathing wasn't shaky anymore, but he still looked like he wanted to cry. An idea popped into my head.

"Walk with me."

He stood up and held my hand the entire time we walked. I took him to the black lake, making both of us go into the water. The bubble formed around us and we could breathe. We were in the middle of the lake, where the sun was illuminating the dark waters. There were no Grindylows or mermaids in the shallow parts.

"Why are we here?" He asked.

I frowned, moving my hands to hold his face. He looked at me wounded, like he was regretting something. I moved in to hug him, my arms wrapped around his neck.

"You can cry now. Don't hold it in." I said quietly.

I felt his shoulders shake, and I felt his arms wrap around my waist tightly. His cries were quiet, but seemed louder underwater.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now