Sixth year | Secrets & Love

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Your POV ~

I looked around on the platform. I had come by myself this time, because Harley and father were surveying the area with other aurors.

I straightened out my clothes, wearing all black once again. My hair was loose, but I felt the opposite.

I hadn't seen Draco since I went to his house and snapped a guy's neck. He had found out, but he didn't look at me the way he used to.

Normally he'd look proud if I set people in their place, but now it's different. He's been distant again and I don't know how well I'll be able to handle it.

Going on the train I went to my compartment with Millicent.

"How have you been know?"

I smiled, "Millicent, my mother died, you can say it. I'm...okay, it's hard and it'll take some getting used to."

She gave me a frown, she knew I was lying. I was worried about what mum's death was doing to me. Father was already talking of leaving.

"Want some sweets at least? Eating feelings isn't healthy, but I'll be damned if it hasn't helped."

"Sure Mills." I chuckled.

She got up and went to search for the trolley. I sat back, looking around the compartment and messed with the rings on my hands. I couldn't sit still, so I got up and walked around the train a bit.

I went through one of the doors and saw Blaise sitting with Pansy and Draco. I smiled when I caught Blaise's eye, but it quickly changed when I saw Draco laying with his head in Pansy's lap.

She was playing with his hair, and I stood there looking like a fool. Blaise hesitated, getting up he came towards me and took me back to my compartment.

"It's not what you think, he's just stressed and Pansy is his friend." He assured me.

"I'm not upset about that—no—not at all. Why would I be? He's allowed to have friends." I sat back in my seat.

Blaise took a deep breath, sitting down beside me as he turned to face me.

"(Y/n), what's really going on?"

I met his eyes, "Are you scared of me?"

"What? Why would I be scared of you sunshine?"

"Blaise, Draco has changed the way he's looking at me. He used to look at me with love and happiness, now all I see is sorrow and fear. I was once a girl who had a mother and then overnight I've become a monster." I sank into my seat, trying not to get choked up.

"Are you sure it's because of you? He loves you and we're in a time of war. His father was sent to Azkaban, he's going through a hard time too." He comforted me.

"I guess you're right. I should just talk to him about it. Thank you Blaise, I love you." I gave him a hug.

He hugged back and pushed me back with a smile, "Is Millicent at the trolley right now?"

I nodded. He immediately got up and ran out to get treats from the trolley. I laughed, watching him run through the hallway. I turned to look at the other side, but I came face to face with Draco.

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