Fifth year | Department of Mysteries

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Your POV ~

"Department of Mysteries." We looked at the door.

Opening it we walked in cautiously, our wands out and we looked around in every direction.

"Ninety-two. Ninety-three. Ninety-four. Ninety-five. He should be here." I looked around, some mystery was this. These were all prophecies, records of them of course.

"Harry. It's got your name on it." Neville motioned to the orb he found.

Harry picked it up and a voice spoke out.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal... but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither can live while the other survives."

"I always did hate how cryptic prophecies were." I scrunch my nose.


We looked forward, seeing Lucius Malfoy and more Death Eaters with him. They were blocking us, so we all gripped our wands harder. I glared at Lucius Malfoy, he was the last person I wanted to see.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry questioned.

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams... and reality. You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy."

I should've known he'd do that, he was clever and Harry was painfully loyal.

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it." Harry threatened.

"He knows how to play. Itty, bitty baby. Potter." Bellatrix Lestrange showed up beside Lucius, looking as beautiful as the day she went to Azkaban.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville said.

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's Mum and Dad?"

"Better, now they're about to be avenged." Neville nearly attacked her, I would've let him.

"Now, let's everybody just calm down... shall we? All we want is that prophecy." Lucius looked at the orb in Harry's hands.

I stepped up a bit more, making sure that me being there meant he'd never get that.

"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" Harry questioned.

I grimaced at him using that name, but Bellatrix was infuriated.

"You dare speak his name? You filthy half-blood!" She shouted.

"Please, you wouldn't say that if he was here. He's a filthy half-blood too." I scoffed.

Bellatrix looked at me, she looked me up and down with a satisfied grin.

"Oh he's going to like you being here. You look just like him dear, too bad you'll be dead."

"As if he'd kill me, he knows what I can do. You thought Lestrange, you're just a liability, at least die with some dignity."

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