Bonus Chapter | Aaron & Harley

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April 15th, 1998~

It was morning in Sounion, where Harley had walked up to the temple of poseidon. Harley was on his own, looking out at the water crashing against the rocks with the temple remains behind him. He had been hoping that the war would finish before they could even join, because he wanted to see Aaron already.

He had wiped Aaron's memory of him after making sure he was safe in New York. He had gotten Chiron to agree to keep an eye out for Aaron, giving the false memory of him deciding to study abroad for Uni. Harley looked down at his hand, watching as it turned into a fist. He gave out a loud yell, which sounded more like a battle cry. In truth, he felt like Achilles after he lost his lover Patroclus.

He heard rapid footsteps and heavy breathing, realizing he must've scared some poor tourist. Turning around his eyes met with familiar ones. A heavy breathing Aaron stood near the ruins, his beautifully dark eyes and purple hair that Harley had fallen in love with.

"Aaron?!" Harley looked at him in shock.

"And I thought you'd be happy to see me, babe." Aaron smiled slightly.

Harley didn't know what came over him, and he sprung towards Aaron. Aaron started running too, both of them meeting in the middle. Harley grabbed hold of Aaron as tight as he could, kissing him. Aaron smiled, missing the warmth of Harley's embrace.

Harley pulled back, looking at Aaron, "How do you—"

"Nice try, but your friend Chiron's stories had plot holes. Plus, if you want to erase my memory, don't let me keep anything relating to you."

Aaron held up his hand, showing the bracelet Harley got him.

"So you broke the spell yourself? That is insanely attractive of you, Nguyen." Harley smiled.

Aaron's hair turned red, and he grabbed Harley by his shirt, "Don't think for one second that flattery will get you anywhere. I'm still not happy about what you did, Angelos. If you weren't my boyfriend and love of my life, I would've killed you by now."

Harley kept his goofy smile, "Understood, I won't leave you ever again."

Aaron let go of Harley's shirt, allowing him to stand up straight.

"You better not, or else I'll have to hunt you down again. Do you have any idea how many cyclopes there are in Greece?!"

"Aaron...I've been here for the past few months, yes I know." Harley laughed slightly.

"Right, you can forget about any hugs or kisses after now. What a bad boyfriend, running off like that! You ass!!" Aaron scolded him again.

"You can slap me if that will make you feel better."

"Is that a kink or something? Are you a masochist?" Aaron backed away.

Both of them looked at each other, bursting into laughter. Harley quickly took hold of Aaron, hugging him tightly as he stroked his hair gently.

"Let's get married." Harley said.

Aaron stiffened, pulling back and looking at Harley with wide eyes.


"You heard me...let's get married. If we survive the war, I want to marry you."

Aaron blushed bright pink, his hair matching. He looked at his boyfriend angrily, smacking his chest.

"You propose and say we should do it after the war? If you're going to propose, at least let us get married now."

Now it was Harley's turn to be surprised. He wasn't sure Aaron would agree to marriage in the first place, they never talked about it.

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