Fifth year | Frog lady

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Your POV ~

I hugged mother and father, leaving with Millicent and Blaise in front of me. They were looking around to make sure nothing dodgy happened. Like Harry, I wasn't allowed to go anywhere alone.

The ministry was already watching my family, but now that his real name has been revealed...I will get new enemies. We boarded the train and went to the compartment Draco was in. He looked at me with caution.

"I haven't seen you in weeks and this is my hello?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just your safety getting on here is good news for me. Has the daily prophet asked your family anything?"

The daily prophet was a scam, but luckily they had their sights on Harry.

"No, but I'm not (Y/n) Riddle anymore. It's Roseore now, because Vargas is known by him, so we went with mothers name."

Draco kissed my knuckles, "I still think you could've gone with Malfoy."

I pushed him slightly, a smirk forming, "I don't know, Potter or Weasley sounds better to me. I mean, Fred and George have been pretty insistent."

He looked unhappy, bringing me close.

He held my chin so I'd look at him only, "Maybe I need to remind you why you're with me?"

I tried to keep a straight face, but I ended up laughing in his face. I covered my mouth as he looked at me unhappily.

"I'm sorry, you've just never been this—I'm usually the one who does this!" I bursted into a fit of laughter.

Millicent smirked, "Guess we know who the dominant one in the relationship is?"

Blaise gave Draco a smug look, "Not just the dominant one, bet ten galleons she's in charge in the bedroom as well."

We all sat down, talking about how things were going now that he was back. Draco was worried for me, I learned that when I had to see him for the Order.

We both missed each other greatly, but Lucius was determined to ruin things for us. Leo had found out more about the Greek side of our family when he left. Our family was still in Greece until the forties.

When they came, our grandfather's branch of the family, a woman who married into the family was from the Greek family Drakos.

Ironic, no?

Our last name was Greek, but it changed when the Roman Empire started gaining power to Rossi. To hide ourselves, but that didn't work well, huh? The only one who obeyed the rule to marry only other Greeks was my Aunt June, and she didn't even know he was Greek. Angelos should've been a sign.



Small time skip ~

Arriving, I got off the train with Blaise and Millicent. Draco was in front with Crabbe and Goyle. I saw Harry, he wasn't looking too good and seemed more agitated than usual.

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free. Better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Draco aggravated Harry, who snapped.

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