Fifth year | Dumbledore's Army

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Your POV ~

The day came for our first meeting, Neville had found the Room of Requirements. We had to be careful to make sure Umbridge and Filch didn't find us.

I didn't tell Draco or Blaise what was going on, Millicent as well. Umbridge has been giving kids veritaserum, if they ratted me out I'd be ratting out all the members of the DA.

Neville was in front of the line, Harry was assessing how well we could disarm.

"Expelliarmus," Neville's wand blasted out of his hand, all of us ducking so we wouldn't get a wand to the face. "I'm hopeless."

"You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus." Harry showed him.

Harry continued to show us the movement and make sure we were doing the motion the correct way. In Umbridge's class, I noticed Neville practicing.

"You will please copy the approved text four times... to ensure maximum retention. There will be no need to talk."

"No need to think is more like it." Hermione mumbled.

"Expelliarmus." Neville whispered.

"Wands away."



At the D.A. meeting ~

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's a wizard's bread and butter, really." Harry informed.

We were standing at the sides of the room, watching as Harry went to the end of his side.

"So come on, then, Nigel. Give it your best shot."

The boy looked apprehensive, "Stupefy!"

Harry got launched against the mirrors, Nigel going back as well, "Good. Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done."

We watched as Hermione and Ron went next, but he was a part about it and said he'd go easy.
Hermione got him first, she really was amazing.

"Sure you want to go against me?" Fred smiled.

I twirled my wand around in my hand a bit,  "Don't start acting like Ron on me now. Believe me, I'm fine, Weasley."

We stood at our ends, before he could even blink I threw the spell at him, "Stupefy!"

He went back as well, smiling as he got up, "Sure she even needs help, Harry?"

Harry blinked slowly, "That was brilliant, (Y/n). a little careful on Fred now."

I scoffed at Fred, helping him up and going to the side the girls were on. After the meeting, I went with Fred and George to the library. We went to the table, hiding our books about defensive magic behind the ministry ones.

"Mind teaching about those reflexes?" George whispered.

I shrugged, "What's in it for me?"

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