Second year | Drama

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I woke up and looked outside the window, it was a sunny day in London. I got dressed quickly and took my things down with me. Mum and Dad were ready, you never would've thought they were parents.

Mum was very casual and her outfit radiated her personality. She wore an earthy green shirt, black jeans, high heeled boots, and a leather jacket. 

Dad wore a white button down shirt, sleeves rolled up, black slacks, belt, and expensive leather shoes.

"Are you ready, dear?" Mum smiled.

I nodded, "Where are Leo and Harley though? They're usually down here before me." I said.

"We're here, just a bit of a mix up." Leo smiled.

"Do we want to know?"

They both shook their heads.

"Great, let's go!" Mum smiled.

We got our stuff into the back of a taxi and arrived at Kings Cross station. How muggles never found it strange that on one specific day, tons of kids with owls go there is beyond me.

Dad went with Leo, then Harley, and then me and Mum. On the other side of the platform, Mum and Dad pulled us into big hugs.

"If you three get into any trouble, I will NOT defend you!" Mum threatened.

"Us? Trouble? When have we ever gotten into it?" Harley scoffed.

Mum directed her eyes on each one of us with knowing looks. Mum found out I had punched Malfoy after his father sent an angry letter, she made me apologize through letter, but I never sent it.

"I must agree with your Mum this time." Dad lowered his voice.

I frowned, "You know how the Malfoys are though, what we did is what they've had coming to them."

"I'm sorry dear, but violence isn't always the answer." Dad patted my head.

We nodded and hugged one last time, then we went on the train.

"I'll see you guys there." We parted ways and I went to find Millicent and Blaise.

I found them and went into the compartment.

"(Y/n)! How was your summer?" Millicent asked excitedly.

We pretended Diagon Alley didn't happen, because I asked them if we could not discuss it.

"It was fine, I went and visited my aunt in America." I smiled.

I told them that summer what was going on, because Nico said I'd need some friends to know in case I needed a bail. They didn't believe me when I said the gods were real, but that happens a lot.

"Please tell me you'll never do anything dangerous like that again. A manticore attack is not a good way to go." Blaise said, giving me a nervous look.

"I'll try not to get involved this year, plus, who'd watch you two if I didn't?" I teased them.

Millicent rolled her eyes, "Heaven forbid we have an eating contest and land ourselves in the hospital wing. Not dangerous enough for you, aye?"

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