Second year | Slytherin

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Malfoy's POV ~

My plans had gotten completely ruined last night. With the threatening message and the teachers freaking out, we were on a strict schedule. I hardly ever saw Riddle in the common rooms, and I don't sit with her in any of my classes.

If I wanted to talk to her, I'd have to run into her in the hallways. Not only that, but she's been spending a lot of time with Potter.

They've been talking more, and she seems to hang around him more than usual. People have started betting pools that they like each other and will start dating by third or fourth year. I don't want to say it bothered me, bothered me.

"Oh! Sorry!" I had been so out of it I hadn't noticed Riddle ran into me.

I looked down and felt more at ease seeing her familiar face. She clearly couldn't say the same, because she frowned when she saw it was me.

"Oh...never mind." She tried to walk around me, but I stopped her.

"I need to talk to you." I said.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Now you do? How"

She tried to leave again, but I blocked her, "I just need to talk to you for a few minutes!"

She hesitated, looking around the hall she caved, "Fine."

I took her to the courtyard, sitting on a stone bench together and I looked at her nervously.

"What is it? I have potions homework to do." Her leg was shaking on the grass.

"You saw the writing on the wall last night?"

She shifted uncomfortably, "We all saw it."

"This is going to sound crazy but, I know who did it," She looked at me with a panicked look. "Well, not them exactly father planted something to get rid of you."

She frowned, her face quickly becoming one of sadness, "Oh."

There was a moment of awkward silence, then she burst into tears. I was caught off guard, I didn't know what to do.

"Wh-Why are you crying?" I asked.

She wiped at her eyes, her cries were quiet, but she was hiccuping to try and keep them quiet.

"I thought—*hic*—that you really—*hic*—never mind!" She cried.

I figured I'd hurt her, but I didn't realize I hurt her this bad.

"I want to be friends, it's just—my father made me send the letter!" I said hurriedly.

She stopped crying for a moment, "That night—at the astronomy tower was the night I decided you weren't so bad. I was so angry when you sent that letter. I can never figure you out and when I think I do a complete 180."

I don't know if it was her admitting that to me, or her sad face peeking out from behind her hair, but I felt my stomach get weird. It physically hurt my heart to see her sad.

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