End of third year

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Your POV ~

"Not that I don't love you, but...why are you sitting here?" Leo asked.

I dropped my head onto the table, shaking some of the plates and worrying Aaron that I was going to give myself a concussion.

Aaron patted my back gently, "I'm sure whatever happened wasn't that bad."

I looked up at him unamused, he didn't know the half of it.

"I was close to kissing my friend, Draco fucking Malfoy, and I pulled away. Then I ran off because I forgot to give our werewolf teacher his wolfsbane potion and haven't plucked up the courage to say anything to Draco yet."

Aaron looked at Leo awkwardly, neither of them had a word of comfort to say.

"Well...at least you almost kissed him? That's—that's what you wanted right?" Leo shrugged.

Aaron glared at Leo, turning to me with a soft look, "I'm sure if you just explain it, then everything will be fine."

I took a deep breath, knowing he was probably right, but I wanted to sulk a little.

"I know that already, but how do I explain that? Oh hey, I'm sorry for ditching you, I just had to go give our werewolf teacher his wolfsbane potion before he hurt anybody. I met Sirius Black and was too late, then I had to take Weasley to the hospital wing!"

"Yeah, that just sounds like an excuse,"

Aaron hit Leo upside the head. "I mean...at least it's not unbelievable."

Leo quickly tried to save his ass. Aaron took my hand gently, giving me the look mother would when giving advice.

"Why don't you go get ready to leave and come to me real quick in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I have an idea."

I was unsure of what he was going to do, but I needed an excuse to leave so I didn't have to sit at the same table as Draco. I went up to my room and got my things ready, still having two hours until it was time to leave.

Aaron had owled me to dress in something I didn't mind ruining and bring a change of clothes for after. I did as he said and went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Why is a boy in my bathroom?" She asked me angrily.

"I told you already Myrtle, I'm here for (Y/n) not to bully you!" Aaron rolled his eyes.

He had a foldable chair set up by the sinks, "Take a seat, tell me what you want."

I sat down and he put the thing hairdressers use around me, snapping it together.

"So your solution is to do my hair? Am I having a mental breakdown or something?"

"You tell me?" He smirked slightly, with an eyebrow raised.

I stared at him for a few seconds, closing my eyes, "Okay, I think I'll leave it to you to do as you wish."

Aaron smiled happily, he then got to work, making me close my eyes until he was done.

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