Summer | Quidditch World Cup

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Your POV ~

"Remind me never to eat before we use a portkey." Leo gagged.

Harley was on his hands and knees, kissing the grass and spitting it out. The first time I've used a portkey and the last time I'll ever use it.

"Why did we use that? Why is it in Dartmoor?"

Mum and Dad let us collect ourselves and we went on to where the stadium was. There were tons of tents that people set up and we found a spot, Mum and Dad set it up with magic, obviously.

"Be careful when you go inside, I haven't done this spell in a while." She warned.

The tent was plain white on the outside, but inside it was huge. Mum and Dad had their room, putting Leo and Harley in the same room with bunks. I was in my own small room. Taking our things, we unpacked and looked around the tent for a bit.

Mum had gotten the dishes to start cooking dinner for her, we didn't bring our house elves with us and gave them the time off to look after the house in our absence.

"Astraeus!" My owl came swooping in.

He had a letter tied to his foot and knew where the treats were immediately. He ate at those while I got the letter off of his leg. The deal was familiar, because it was Draco. I pet Astraeus' feathers as I read the letter to myself.

Dear (Y/n),

Father and I are with mother attending the Quidditch World Cup. We're up in the top box, so I'll see you then.
Save me a place, in the top box, Princess.


I put the letter away and let Astraeus back in his cage, but he gave me an unhappy noise about having to go back in.

"Alright, but you can't leave the tent."

He flew to one of the cabinets and sat there to watch us. Leo had completely knocked out and was snoring loudly from his room. Harley was getting paperwork done for his department. He was a newer curse breaker right now.

"Did you get a letter from your boyfriend?" Father smirked as he sipped his tea.

"He's not my boyfriend." I reminded him.

Yes, since the events of third year, he's been teasing me more. However, we are not dating, the flirting has just...become a bit stronger.

"Yeah, and I'm straight." Harley chimed in.

I glared at my cousin, he wasn't helping.

"It's sort of complicated." I sighed.

Mother heard and walked to me, a hand on my shoulder and a frown on her face.

"What's complicated? You two have been head over heels for each other for a while now, so hurry up and go have an epic romance."

Father shook his head in disagreement, but Harley agreed with mum on this one. I couldn't do that though, because I was not the type to be bold about that. I've never liked anyone before Draco, so this was scary, and new.

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