Chapter 42

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Camila's POV

The next day, Lauren didn't show up for class. I had third period English with her and her empty seat mocked me. I know it wasn't my job to know where she was 24/7, but ever since the day of the party, I've been worried about her. I feel like her demon is still haunting her. Like she's still haunting her. She pretends that everything is okay, but it's not. I know that it's not. I can see it. Because it's almost as if I'm looking back at me. Like I'm looking back at my own reflection. I see the same broken girl from four years ago. And I just don't want Lauren to fall into the arms of death like I almost did. Or at least do something equally as stupid.

Throughout the day though, I tried to be patient. I stared at the classroom door anxiously for the whole period until eventually, the class would end. And a little shred of my hope going along with it. I thought of texting her, but I knew that if I did, I would just be selfish again. I wanted to give her space, because I feared that I would anger her again and push her even further away from me. Because, like I said, I knew what it was like. And even if I don't want to admit it to myself, what happened last night was an escape for her. And if I could give that to her, even in the most external way possible, then it was worth it.

Instead of annoying her with my texts, I decided to see her after school. That way my curiosity would be dealt with, and my worry would be put to rest. School was never the same without her though. It always felt Bal Harbor was missing something when she was gone. I don't what it was about Lauren, but whatever it was, it kept the school on it's feet. And, I wouldn't even want to begin to imagine school... or even life without her.

"Milaaa." I heard Darren whisper.

His voice brought my out of my thoughts. I shook my head lightly before, I turned to meet his gaze next to me, "Yeah?"

"Where's your girlfriend?"

I felt my brow twitch in slight annoyance, "Darren, you know she's not my girlfriend." I muttered.

"Yeah, I know. I just like teasing you." He said with a cheeky smile before it faded into a serious line. "Seriously though where's Lauren?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you texting her?" He said pointing down at my phone that had been sitting on my lap.

"No, I'm reading."

He rolled his eyes playfully,"Lauren could possibly be half way to Mexico and you're reading?"


"Aren't you at least a little concerned? I mean it is finals week..."

I gave him a pointed look, "Of course I'm worried but I can't do anything about it."

"Why not?"

"Because, I'm trying not to be too clingy."

"What's wrong with being clingy?"

"It's annoying, isn't it?"

"Sometimes. But it's only annoying when you don't like that other person."

"Darn, Lauren must really hate me then." I said as my eyes hovered back to a page in our Biology textbook.

Darren rolled his eyes at my sarcasm, "Shut up. She tolerates you more than I do. You're lucky."

"I know..." I said with a half smile.

"You're going to see her though right? Because I texted her and she said she wasn't feeling well, so she stayed home. I think you should check up on her. Just in case, you know, she's been acting kind of weird all day."

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