Chapter 71: Part 2

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A/N: Play song towards the end.

Narrator's POV

Later that night, Lauren was sitting on the porch drinking beer out of a red cup as she thought about the past events that occurred between her and Camila. She couldn't forget about the look on her face when she described what it meant to be soulmates. Did she understand that she still loved her? Or was she just surprised that even came out of her mouth in the first place? She was dying to know what the brown eyed girl thought. And with the old Camila, knowing that was so easy. But there's no way in hell this Camila would ever let her in. She had broken the little glimpse of trust and respect she had left for her. And Lauren couldn't do anything but blame herself. What Camila needed wasn't an enemy, or a stranger but rather, a friend.

And because she had failed to see that, she was afraid she'd lost the Camila she knew forever. But she didn't regret one thing, and that was the fact that she was right. She and Camila were unfit to be together. Their lives had become too intertwined. Up to the point where they had lost their own sense of individuality. And because of that, their love became unhealthy and dangerous.

To find your own individual state of happiness is the key to being able to love. Because after all, finding yourself and loving who you are is like falling in love.

"Oh fuck." A raspy voice said before bumping into Lauren.

The green eyed girl turned to meet the voice and realized that it was none other than the girl she was just thinking about.

"Camz? Are you okay?"

"Lauren?" Camila said squinting at the blurry silhouette in front of her.

"Why are you squinting like that at me? Can you see?"

"No I...I dropped my contact lense when I rubbed my eye and I took the other one off in the bathroom because it was hurting my head and-"

"You're drunk aren't you?"

"Pffft. What? Why would you think that?"

"Because you're swaying and slurring your words. Plus I saw you drinking in there and I know you're a lightweight."

"You should've stopped me then."

"You would've never listened to me anyway. Plus, you were too busy chatting it up with those college girls."

"Listen." Camila began before she sat next to Lauren, "At least I didn't bring my hot girlfriend and shove our relationship down your throat."

"Lucy's not my girlfriend Camz."

"Whatever. Say, where is she anyway?"

"Her dad has a meeting with his agent tomorrow so she left to say goodbye."


"What? Is that jealousy I sense?"

"Fuck yeah. Fuck that bitch and fuck you for bringing her."

"We're just friends Camz."

"I don't fuck Dinah and we're friends."

"If it makes you feel better, I stopped the second we started fucking around again."

"So you haven't?"

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