Chapter 55

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Camila's POV

It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. Kissing her and realizing that it wasn't Lauren felt like that. I couldn't breath. I was having some sort of anxiety attack. I let myself fall, my back sliding against the lockers as I met the floor. I laid there lifeless. Trying to comprehend what just happened. If that just happened.

And it did.
Right when things were going good, something just had to come in the way and ruin it.

It always seemed to be that way with Lauren. Always. And I was starting to think that the universe was trying to separate us. And it probably was. Just like its done with everything else I love. But even so, I couldn't let the universe have this one. No, not Lauren.

I got up and quickly ran towards the parking lot. In the distance, I spotted Lauren's black Audi and sprinted there as fast as I could.

When Lauren saw me approach her from her rear view mirror, she got out of the car and met me halfway, "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked putting a supportive hand on my arm to help hold me up as I caught my breath. Her fingers almost caressing my cheek with her other hand.

I closed my eyes briefly as I felt the warmth of her touch. After a few seconds, I managed to breath, "M-Madison."

"Madison what? What did she do?"

I held up my hand for one second and caught my breath again. It took longer than I thought. I don't know why it was so difficult for me but I kept feeling like each breath I took was for nothing. I pulled away from Lauren and reached into my bag to grab my inhaler. I took a quick wiff of it and stuffed it into my pocket. I took a few more deep breaths before I finally spoke, "Sorry."

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you again?" Lauren practically growled.

"No." I said avoiding her gaze, "She...She kissed me and I thought it was you at first so I kinda kissed her back but I pulled away as soon as I realized it wasn't you. I'm sorry it was all so fast. I couldn't even see who it was and I just assumed it was you because you tend to pull me into closets and-"

Lauren pressed her index finger against my lips to shut me up.

"She kissed you?" She asked firmly.

"Yeah." I mumbled against her finger.

"And you reciprocated?"

"Yeah, but only because-"

"Did it?"

I shook my head, "No. No of course not." I mumbled.

"Did you want to kiss her?"

"No." I said moving my head to the side to getter finger off my lips, "I didn't want too. I just thought it was you at first. It was a misunderstanding on my part. I'm sorry-"

"It's not your fault." Lauren interrupted, before she ran a frustrated hand through her hair. "I just..."

"Are you mad?"

Lauren stifled a low chuckle, "Mad can't even begin to describe what I feel right now Camz."


"Just stop. Stop apologizing. I know it's not your fault. I know you didn't want to kiss her."

I was about to respond before she cut me off, "You didn't want to kiss her right?" Lauren asked again, worry etched all over her face.

"No." I affirmed her, grasping her hands, "Not in a million years. I love you, Lauren."

Lauren sighed in relief, "I just... I just got you back Camz. I don't want to lose you. Not to her. Not to anyone."

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