Chapter 58

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Narrators POV

That night Camila stumbled in home around one in the morning. She didn't wake anyone and surprisingly, made it to her room in once piece.

For the remainder of the weekend, she and Lauren spent it together.

Sunday night, she had been at Lauren's until she woke up in hot sweat and realized that the sun was no longer shining through the green eyed girl's window. She rubbed her eyes and removed herself from Lauren's bare body. She carefully got out of her embrace and off her bed to retrieve her clothes that had been scattered around the room. She quickly changed back into them before Lauren started to murmur to herself. She felt around her bed for the missing warmth. And grumbled to herself when she realized that it had disappeared.

Camila gently smiled at her before she walked over and kissed her forehead. She then grabbed her cellphone from the nightstand and slipped out through the front door.

It was a pretty chilly night and Camila almost regretted not bringing over the leather jacket Lauren let her borrow after their date Friday night.

She grumbled to herself and promised to do it the next time she saw the girl. But inside, a part of her knew she wasn't going to give it back. And it was mostly because she didn't want to give it back. She loved having something of hers. It was a piece of Lauren that radiated her scent throughout Camila's bedroom. If anything, it was comforting and for that reason, she wanted to keep it and maybe, never give it back.

Once the brown eyed girl stepped onto her front porch, she retrieved the spare key from the plant beside the doorway and unlocked the door.

She then slowly tip toed up to her room and made it with no problem. Once she closed the door of her bedroom, she slumped onto her bed and fell fast asleep.

The next morning, she woke up just in time for school. The strong rays of the sun beaming from her window made her eyes flutter open. She then rubbed her neck and could almost feel the green eyed girls lips there again. She smiled to herself as she remembered about last nights events. She couldn't believe it. It was the fourth time she had sex with Lauren and she still couldn't believe it. It was surreal. And maybe that's what having sex with Lauren Jauregui would always feel like.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up to get ready for school. She took a quick shower and then changed into an Ed Sheeran t-shirt, jeans, and converse. She rubbed her arms as a cool breeze entered her window. She looked back at her desk chair where Lauren's black leather jacket hung. She didn't know if it would be a good idea to take it but she figured that no one would notice it was Lauren's anyway.

After all, it was an excuse to see her later today. Without any further hesitation, she retrieved the jacket and put it on.  She smiled as the smell of her lover radiated from the piece of clothing. She then grabbed her backpack from her bed and made her way down stairs.

Her mother had been cooking breakfast in the kitchen while Sofi sat on the counter, drawing on a blank piece of paper.

Camila instantly froze and debated whether to run or hide but before she could even move a muscle, Sinu turned around and smiled, "Oh hi Mija...back so soon? Thought you'd be gone for days..."

The sass in her mothers voice frightened Camila. More than you could imagine.

"I uh-"

"Sit down. There's a plate already made for you." Sinu said before she returning to her activities.

Camila quickly made her way over to a seat next to Sofi's and sat there quietly. Waiting for any type of lecture to come her way.

Sinu didn't say much for a few minutes until she poured a glass of orange juice and brought it over to her daughter. She slammed the cup down on the table, almost dropping the liquid inside of it. "I want to meet Lauren."

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