Chapter 57

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Camila's POV

And just like that, we died... Just kidding.

We jumped off and the fall lasted longer than anything in my life. It felt like I was finally where I belonged. In oblivion. The air rushing through me as if I was a meaningless bag in the wind, carrying my lifeless figure until I made it to my certain destination.

Once our bodies were engulfed by the icy water, it felt like we had joined the Earth. We were one. I had finally arrived.

Surprisingly, I wasn't scared anymore. With our hands still in contact, I felt safe. Her touch brought this continuous feeling of ease and even now, as my body was a part of the ocean, I knew everything was going to be alright. We were going to be alright. Or at least that's what I hoped.

After our bodies settled, we peddled our way up to the surface and took a lungful of air.

Lauren turned to look at me with furrowed brows before she sighed relief. She then slowly brought her hand up to my cheek and caressed it as if she wanted to make sure that I was okay. That I was alive. That I was here. That this wasn't some type of post head injury hallucination. And it sure as hell wasn't.

The warmth of her touch assured me of the same thing and I couldn't help but smile at her.

She smiled back and asked, "Well?"

"We're never doing that again."

"What? But we're okay! And you got to admit that was fun.."


"Wanna do it again?"


Lauren chuckled, "What do you want to do then?"

I didn't respond at first. I was a bit hesitant, but I managed to gather the courage to breath,
"This." before I crashed my lips against hers.

My sudden action caught her by surprise. But even so, she fell blissfully into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her neck as she placed one hand on my lower back and the other over the nape of my neck. Our lips collided for a minute or two before I decided to have a little fun. I pulled away from her and rested my head against hers.

"Lauren?" I breathed.

"Yeah?" She breathed back.

"How good are you at swimming?"

"I'm not sure why-"

I smirked, "-I dunno, but let's find out." I said before I placed my hands on her shoulders and pushed her down.

Her body fully submerged into the water and she instantly started to splash around as she tried to break free from my attack.

I pulled away when I felt it was necessary and waited for her to resurface.

She didn't. I couldn't even see her figure in the water anymore.

"LAUREN?" I almost yelled before I felt something pull me down by the ankle. I fell backwards into the water because of the unknown force pulling me down like an anchor submerging into the depths of the sea.

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